Still alive and doing good

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Still alive and doing good

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    Roger….Great to hear that everything worked out. You must be ready to hit that golf ball.
    Best wishes,


    Great news, I told you the back surgery is a piece of cake! Enjoy your carefree 4 months! When Teddy couldn’t golf he would go up to the course anyway and putt some balls. Best therapy there is.


    Have a wonderful 4 months of NO DOCTORS!!!! Great news on the scan.



    Hi all. Just finished 20 days in the hospital part of it for back surgery. That was a
    piece of cake. The other problem was serious blood in the colon, et all. The therapy
    was horrible care at the therapy clinic and back to the hospital for a colonoscopy.
    They finally got everything under control and home 5 days later.
    Just had my first CT scan after this round of SIRTS. Dr. was really pleased with this
    scan and don’t go back till Dec. 1.


    Rog….Good luck with both, the Sirsphere and the back surgery. Your golf game is lurking right around the corner.


    Hello Rog and good to hear from you again. Hope you get those “bastards” zapped again and so sorry to hear you had some side effects this time. It seems nothing ever stays the same. Say, I had L4/5 surgery about 8 years ago. Piece of cake. I guess I hurt so bad going in that anything would be an improvement and it was. Good luck on it all and please keep us posted.


    It has been awhile since I have posted. After Two SIRT procedures inJan and Feb
    2009, my cat scan, March, 2010, showed liver tumors starting to “progress”.
    I love the medical euphemisms, they try to cover up things. Why not say, the bastards are growing again, which they were. So I am back to a second round of SIRTS. Side effects this time, that I did not experience the first time.
    Left lobe on June 16th. Hoping for side effects of a lesser nature. Then on June 6, I have back surgery to repair L4 and 5 and to stop the extreme sciatica pain.
    3 months, no golf but a lot of walking. Damn, this spring and summer have been nothing but DRs.
    Ist post scan for this round Aug. 1st. Will post again when the news from the front has come in.

    Hope you all have a good summer

    Rog Howe

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