Still can’t believe he’s gone

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    Mary and Destin….. My heart felt sympathy. such a lost of a loved one so dear to your heart. Mary I’m sure Stephen is resting peacefully and I’m sure you’ll feel his presence from time to time. I lost my Dad a couple years ago to congestive heart failure and still find it hard to believe and now I’m off to see my Mom in Maine in a weekand 1/2. She is suffering from end stage parkinson’s and I get a call today her dementia is pretty severe and not to expect her to even know who I am. The Lord works in mysterious ways. I’m sure she’ll remember me if not only for a few moments. May your heart heal but the little twinge of pain will always be there in rememberance of what great love you shared.
    God Bless You both!
    Jeff G.


    It’s been almost 2 months. My husband fought and lost such a fast and furious battle with cholangial carcinoma that it took my breath away. With no symptoms, a doctor stumbled across a tumor in his liver. After a liver resection the surgeon and the oncologist told us there was reason to be “guardedly optimistic”. I still don’t know what that meant, nor did I understand how aggressive and truly devistating this cancer really was. My husband Stephen was 51 years old, very health conscious, and in great shape. We had been married 5 years and have a 4 year old son.

    I feel we did all we could, but I don’t believe my husband ever had a chance.

    Stephen, Destin and I miss you every day. We miss you in this house you built for us, and on every sunny day when Destin rides his bike alongside the beach. We miss you every morning when we pass your truck on the curb or look at the pictures we mounted for the funeral home for your wake.

    Please rest in peace, my dear Stephen. I pray that Destin’s memories of his beloved daddy stay vivid in his mind.

    Hugs and kisses,


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