Still missing you, my daughter, Harmony

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Still missing you, my daughter, Harmony

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    Mutti, what a beautiful post. It is going to be 3 years for my Teddy on Dec. 6th. He was Catholic, I am Jewish and my Daughter had a Conversion a year ago at a Bible Church. I believe we are all going to the same place, just taking different paths to get there. So, she invited me to a Celebration they are going to have at Church on Dec 6th for Christmas and Chanukah and I thought that would be a perfect day to go to show her I support what she does even though it broke my heart. A heart does heal in time. Teddy had made 97 visits to me (I logged them) and now almost none. What I want to say is the load does become lighter and the Memories of CC do become lighter it just take some a little longer than others. I heard an expression once, Life is for the living! Do we want to just survive or do we want to thrive. You are doing a beautiful job on both counts!


    It has been 2 years, 6 months and 17 days since this awful cancer took you away. I still can’t believe it sometimes. Your voice is captured on my cell phone and I let your son listen to it so he will not forget the sound of you. I hear you call me “Mama” at times when I am half asleep. God gave me one beautiful dream of you to ease my broken heart. This is how I know HE lives, and so do you.

    I will love you forever, my Beauty, and can’t wait to see you again.


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