Still praying for a miracle

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    Dear bap,

    I am so sorry to hear of your sister’s condition. I will pray for her to find comfort and peace. I will also pray for a miracle. Bless you.



    bap…I am so sorry to hear of your sister’s diagnoses and her rapid decline due to this disease. My heart goes out to you and your family. I have met several of the McMillan nurses and must say that I am impressed with their knowledge and caring for patients. Are any involved in your sister’s care?
    Please lean on us – we are in this together.


    I am so very sorry. I don’t know what to say but don’t give up hope- you will have good times with your sister regardless of the information that you are given. All I can tell your for now is make good memories and remember to breathe slowly.


    It is a small world you had to join this site. I am sorry about your young sister.

    Chemotherapy is of limited value to those who has advanced CCA (ie:stageIV after resistance of chemotherapy .)and have mets to other parts of the body.
    At this point , discussion of ” quality of life ” vs ” quantity of life” may not be a bad idea to increase the comfort and well being of the patient.
    Try to enjoy every moment you can with your sister to create the long lasting memories that you can share for a long time.
    God bless.


    Dear Bap23, Welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to join us. I am most sorry to hear what your young sister is going through. Too much, too much. All you can do is be her best support and try to make some lovely memories for later. I assume theyhave taken her off the chemo? Has the Doctor talked at all about Hospice Care. Hospice does not mean the end but rather it means making the patient comfortable and providing the patient with all her needs so that the family can just be with her and not worry about other things. Please keep us posted as we truly care.


    My youngest sister, 42 years was diagnosed with CC in January 2012. She was experiencing pain in her lower back and had to return to her doctor several times before they would carry out any tests – telling her to rub muscle relaxants on it.

    When her eyes went jaundiced they finally started some tests and admitted her to hospital. The cancer had already spread to her liver, gall bladder, lungs and ovaries. She is in Stage iv but started chemo and had three cycles which left her sick and sapped all the strength she had.

    She has just had an MRI scan and has been told that the chemo has made no improvement in reduction – it in fact created further problems causing clots on her lungs and she now has to have daily anti-coagulant injections. Her health has deteriorated so quickly in the few months and she has been told that she has at best a few months left.

    We are still praying for a miracle and trying to savour what time she has left with us – this is such an awful disease. I am glad to have found this site and for the support it has offered to others.

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