Still trying to relate

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    Hello Ed’s family….Other than the annoying diarrhea, Ed appears to be doing just fine. And, you have some exiting things to look forward to. Congratulations.
    I have learned that some foods are apt to increase the risk of Diarrhea:
    Greasy, fatty foods
    Gas inducing drinks and foods such as: carbonated drinks (let the fizzle go down before drinking), beans, cabbage.
    Milk or other dairy products.
    Ed may want to focus on low-fiber foods such as bananas, white chicken meat, rice, white bread; all in small amounts.
    And, of course clear liquids such as broths and sport drinks. Jell-O, water, 8-10 glasses per day.
    There is a lot of trial and error involved in finding just the right medication to stop the annoying diarrhea. Don’t give up searching for it and definitely, mention it to the physician.
    I am wishing for all good things to continue.
    Hugs and love,


    Ed’s Family, Congratulations on your 2 big events, First Grandson and then a wedding! I am wondering if you have called the ONC and told him that the pills for the diarhea are not working. There are so many Meds for that problem maybe he just has to hit on the right one. I hope that Ed is able to restart Chemo soon since it worked so well for him. Be strong and focus on your wonderful events.


    I haven’t posted on here since the introduction so it has been a few months. I’m still trying to navigate through this very unusual cancer. Ed’s cholangiocarcinoma seems so different from a lot of what I read. He is inoperable and has never had bile duct obstruction. His entire liver is a tumor or should I say, he has a tumor the size of a normal liver and then a lot of smaller ones so his liver is really enlarged. He has nodules in his lungs and he has abdominal lymph nodes that are enlarged. He is doing okay. The frustration is in not knowing what to expect daily. He started cisplatin and gemzar in July 2011 and did very well through December but since Christmas, he has only been able to get two treatments. His platelets keep dropping. The last CT Scan was positive. He had some shrinking in the abdominal lymph nodes and the other tumors have not gotten any larger,nor has there been any additional tumors show up since we started this journey in June 2011. He has exceeded original expectation of his prognosis. His greatest problem is debilitating diarrhea that zaps his strength and keeps him from eating. He takes Creon and Lomotil. Chemo makes him feel so much better so we are hoping that the treatments can resume on a regular basis. We found out tonight that we are having a grandson in August. We knew that our son and his wife were expecting our first grandbaby, but we didn’t know it was a boy until tonight. Ed will have a grandson to carry on his name. Our daughter is getting married in October and she wants her dad to walk her down the aisle. I just needed to talk a little tonight; however, if anyone has ideas about the diarrhea, we would certainly appreciate it.
    We thank God everyday that he has tolerated chemo so well. He just needs to keep getting it until something more promising comes along.

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