Stomache Pains and Woes

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Stomache Pains and Woes

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    Rob…….These are things you would want to discuss with the physician, bowel movement (at least once every three days,) fluid, fluid, fluid, enzymes before each meal, stool softeners, laxatives.
    Light meals, spread out over the day, movements; (if possible, small walks) to encourage digestion. Avoid laying flat for at least a few hours post meal intake.
    Rob, biliary diseases and digestive problems go hand in hand and it takes some time to navigate this issue. And, continue to reach out to the members on this site. Most have personal, invaluable, experience to share with you.
    All my best wishes,


    They have given me something for nausea but nothing for digestion I will ask thank you.


    Hi Rob. Digestive problems seem to go hand in hand with CC. Not sure if you have asked the ONC for an RX for a digestive aide. Teddy used to take one daily. Salads are very rough. For breakfast he had cream of wheat, oatmeal or soft scrambled eggs. Actually poached eggs or hard boiled eggs are good too. Lunch was usually a turkey sandwich on white bread a little butter. He became very fond of Campbell’s Country style chicken noodle soup or rice soup. I tried to make comfort foods for dinner like chicken parprika over noodles, anything soft, not spicy or fried. If all else failed he loved the Carnation Breakfast shake which can be used for all 3 meals if needed. I would blend a banana into the vanilla, that was his favorite. It takes the place of a whole meal and has all the nutrients. Again I can’t remember if you have discussed this with your ONC but he should be able to help with this problem very easily. It killed me to watch a Sicilian give up his Pasta!!! Best of luck.


    Folks, I am new here and don’t know much about anything. But what I do know is that I am in almost constant pain either from my tumor itself or from my intestines. I am doing all I can to find things to eat that would be digestable and also not cause gastrointestinal troubles. It’s almost impossible so far. I have been considering simply juicing vegtables and fruits and drinking boost or ensure for protein but I REALLY would like to be able to eat a little something something. I’ve tried salads but even that causes great bouts of gas and bloating and general uncomfortable. Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


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