Stool and bowel movement changes post-resection

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    anrena….I agree with Lainy. Understandable for your Mom to be fearful of possibility of recurrence.
    There is another side though in that these complex surgeries can cause some issues. Better to notify the physician.


    anrena….I agree with Lainy. Understandable for your Mom to be fearful of possibility of recurrence.
    There is another side though in that these complex surgeries can cause some issues. Better to notify the physician.


    Hi there, Serena. I cannot add anything about the “poop” but I would not stall about the Scan. I know it is so important and many get scanxiety but it needs to be done. Especially if Mom is 2 months overdue. It is the ONLY way to tell what is going on. That and LABS. Sounds like she may have an infection or a blockage in the bile duct. I would call the ONC and tell him what is going on and then get the scan scheduled. This time she needs to listen to her Serena.


    Hey everyone!

    It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. A quick update on my mom- she was diagnosed last June 2014, resection in July with roux-en- y procedure. adjuvant chemo started late in February and last chemo session in Juky of 2015! Mom is due for follow up scans but she’s really scared and has been putting it off for the past 2 months.. Sigh..

    My question is rather awkward – it’s about Poop!

    To Anybody who has had roux en y procedure : have your stools been normal shape after surgery? My moms stool started to become thinner in size for the past few months, not as bulky. And today she told me her stool was light green/gray colored… The last time her stool was light gray it was when we found out she had a giant tumor in her bike duct.. So naturally I’m really concerned now. However could this be due to the new connection from the intestine to liver? Or is something seriously wrong here? She has ate something very oily yesterday (,which she hasn’t done in awhile). Until we see doctor or until I can convince my mom to hurry and get scans.. Does anybody have any insight ?

    Thank you


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