Stopping Chemo?

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    Crissie…..was this the same physician placing the stent? Had he/she used a different size stent? Often times the stent has to inserted right through the tumorous tissue and that can cause some problems to the patient. I would not hesitate to ask the doctor.
    Plastic stents occlude anywhere from 3 weeks to several months depending on the material used. Metal stents have a longer life.


    Hi Crissie, changing stents is not a bad sign it is because sometimes they get clogged and then that can develop in to an infection,. Teddy had plastic stents changed every 6 week to 2 months for years. It is a safe thing to do and is done as an out patient. Teddy never had a problem from a stent change so I am wondering why the pain and bloat? What did the ONC say? I hope everything is running smoothly now and wish you a much healthier New YEAR!


    Crisis, I can’t answer the stents question, but I did have chemo stopped a few times, to let my body heal. The chemo will continue to kill cells for a number of weeks or longer. I think it depends on how long you are on it, how the body is dealing with it, and how it’s working on the cancer cells.


    My dad said they will stop chemo for a while to see what the cancer does. Has anyone done this?

    He is having to replace his stent every 3 months and after the stent placement last time, he was in pain and bloated for 3 weeks.

    Is having to have the stents replaced so often a bad sign?

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