Success with radiation?

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    Hi Beth,

    You complain away as much as you want to and you don’t need to apologise for doing so! Sorry to hear that Art has this back pain and the ascites and I hope that the doctors are able to do something about this.

    My best wishes to you and Art,



    Betht: Has the physician mentioned paracentesis in order to drain the fluid from the peritoneal cavity? I have learned that some physicians prefer not to perform this painless procedure because the fluid will return whereas other doctors order it for their patients quite frequently.
    Also, I would address the back pain with the physician especially, as it is keeping Art up, at nights.
    Best wishes,


    Ah, wee one you are so wise. I think you are right. It’s just that I feel like people don’t believe me sometimes. And yes, T is ALWAYS smiling and wants to be with people even if he doesn’t feel good. Sunday his fever was almost 102 again and on Monday he wanted to go golf with our Grandson. The temp outside would match his inside!! I said no, I don’t think so, not today!


    I am now in the middle of my second week with radiation and xeloda. Do you mind me asking what dosage of xeloda he is on and for how long he will have radiation? I will have 28 days of radiation and 2 xeloda pills (I think that is 1000mg) twice a day for 2 weeks on, one week off.

    I get all the time that I “look good” or “dont look like” I am having cancer treatment. I really think that is because I am smiling and acting “normal” most of the time. I have lost so much weight and my hair is thin and patchy so of course I look different but I think people expect you to crawl up in a ball and give up and when you dont it throws them for a loop.



    Beth, complain away, then we know our job is not done here! Another one I don’t like is when they say “Oh, Teddy, you look so good!”. They have rose colored glasses. It always makes me feel I am such a liar when I say he is headed for cancer surgery! Yeah! At least he will look good in the surgery room! By the way Teddy had radiation 2 years ago and it totally zapped him, he was tired for 2 months. But other than that he was fine. Good luck to Art and let’s hope he stays the course as well as he has been doing.


    Art has completed his first week of radiation/Xeloda and has only been tired. His only real discomfor comes from how swollen his belly has become. He was up most of the night last night with back pain. Someone from church yesterday remarked at how much weight he had gained. I had to explain that it was water retention. I really hate ascites.
    Just complaining…sorry


    Thanks Kristin!!!!! I needed to hear that!


    I had seven weeks of radiation with Xeloda in fall of 2006, and it worked brilliantly for me. The tumors shrank some, and then remained stable with NO progression for over three years, until just recently. I had only mild side effects from the treatment (lots of heartburn) and the benefits were tremendous!

    Transplant doctors know all about transplants– they don’t know that much about radiation. You and your husband should have a talk with the radiation dr. about possible outcomes.

    The best of luck to both of you!



    Beth…congratulations on the shrinkage. I am hoping for the radiation to continue to wear down the tumor. I also wanted to mention that the google function, top right hand side of page, will lead you to many previous discussion re: radiation. You might be able to find some relevance in regards to your question.
    Best wishes coming your way,



    I had radiation with 24/7 5-FU chemo last fall. My tumor doubled in size the month before radiation started. It did not shrink, but stopped the growth. Now, seven months later it is still inactive and stable. At one point I was told the tumor showed a little different color and may be dying from the inside out. I guess there is no way to know for sure unless they could cut it out and examine it, but mine is inoperable.

    It’s hard to know what to do. I’m starting chemo again this week (just going from my gut feeling) even though I feel great and the tumor is inactive. I’ve been told you cannot have radiation twice on the same spot, otherwise I would consider it.



    My husband has completed 4 months of chemo for CC with only a small amount of shrinkage. He will be starting Radiation and an oral chemo pill this week. Does anyone have experiance with radiation working well?
    When my husband went to the Trasnsplant Dr he didn’t seem to think that radiation would do any good.
    Thanks for all your help

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