Suggestions for nutrition needs after resection & ways to cook chinese

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    Hey, Ladies, I have tried Percy’s suggestions for Chinese at home and he knows what he is talking about! Percy, if you get bored you could write a cook book.


    Working on it now, Lainy! Nothing fancy tonight.. just homemade tacos. You’re welcome to join us! :D


    Ok, I thought when I had my first liver resection I would loose weight and that would be the positive, maybe I could be a size six……well i never lost weight which my doc says is good but I wanted to look like a glamour girl…darn…anyways we are having Chinese carry-out tonight based on all your posts…yummy. !!!!


    Misty, thanks for the Nutrition news, you are doing such a great job. What I want to know is what time is dinner at your house?


    Misty…great job. Not only did you help Pop regain weight, you also shared important information with the rest of us.
    Thanks much,


    Hi Misty,

    Thanks for all of the tips and suggestions about food etc that worked for you. I know that they will be of great help to others.

    Thanks again,



    Eating was a BIG ordeal for us after Pops had his liver resection. He had just been through pancreatitis two weeks before his resection, so he had zero appetite for months after the surgery. He dropped 24lbs. and his bloodwork showed him as malnourished, so the surgeon told him the oncologist wouldn’t be able to do anything for him until he was more well nourished and gained some weight back. 8 weeks after surgery, 5″ of his incision reopened. The surgeon claimed it was because of his poor nutrition.

    As his caregiver, I was beside myself trying to encourage him to eat. The surgeon wanted him taking in 2500-3000 calories a day! It did not help matters that Pops has been on a very strict diabetic diet for 20 years. That really limited my choices of things to make for him because he insisted on sticking to that diet until he saw that his A1C was in a good range.

    I found that counting his calories was the only way to diffuse the daily arguement about food. I used a calorie counting software. I highly recommend it, so the caregiver doesn’t worry terribly about how many calories their loved one is getting per day.

    The nurses who came out to care for his incision when it reopened told us that his protein intake should be doubled while the incision healed, and to increase his intake of Vitamin E.

    These are a few tips that worked for us:

    *Eat something every 2 hours, especially if there isn’t much of an appetite.

    *The Carnation Breakfast Essentials shakes were wonderful. There is a “No Sugar Added” version in the chocolate flavor.

    *Add powdered milk to baked goods, creamy casseroles, and shakes to increase protein and calories.

    *There is a higher protein milk available in some areas.

    *Glucerna Bars and Shakes are great. The Hunger Smart version has more protein.

    *Tomato juice is great for healing. We worked in a small glass every day.

    *I did a lot of baking, and warming things in the oven thinking the smell of food cooking would help encourage his appetite.

    Pops gradually transitioned from several mini-meals a day to larger meals 3-4 times a day, and his appetite has finally returned. It took about 5 months for him to move from eating because it was time to eat to feeling hungry again.

    I hope some of these suggestions help!



    Did someone mention Chinese food?? Much yumminess indeed!!!!


    Why am I so hungry for Chinese food?


    OMG! You crack me up. You may be good on the WOK but when it comes to Red Sauce for Pasta… that is my territory! We could to a TV Food show and call it “WOK the WOP”. Wop is not nice for Silician but I know Teddy would laugh at this one! Got to have some humor!


    You inspired me to write that message.
    Did you remember you went out with your brother to PF Chang for dinner?
    PF Chang is good but expensive.for less than 10% of the cost;5-10 minutes of your time you can cook chinese at home.It is easy, inexpensive and nutritional.
    SEE,Mama Lainy, you will never know what will come up when you say something about youself. Now your turn this web site into PBS station because
    now there is a new series called”PCL can cook,so can you”.—just kidding.
    God bless.


    Percy, thank you so much for how to cook Chinese. I LOVE Chinese Food. You have given me the desire to go out and get a WOK and I shall be Woking for one! It will also be good for my Diabetes as I don’t eat the rice. You are such a wealth of information, I love it and look forward to what ever you have to say on a daily basis! Hope you are feeling better each day.


    I had liver resection for 8hrs in 2009,everything was fine,out of the hospital in five days. I lost about 20 lbs. and regained 30lbs later(in about 4-6months period). I had a 2nd resection three weeks ago too.I tried to provide at least 2000cal/day for my recovery.

    This part was a reprinted message.

    1. give your father Carnation breakfast drink (200-300cal/can)1 can in the morning in addition to what you have done for his calorie intake.(ie;oakmeal,OJ)
    2.Give another can of Ensure or similar protein drinks in high calories(360 cal/can) any flavor. any time in the afternoon;between lunch and dinner time.
    3. encourage him to eat vegetables and fruits(peel of the skin) ,different colors,banana(high potassium);blue berry and the like(high antioxidant) orange & (4-6servings/day minimum) ;in addition to the regular meals. eat less or no red meat ,more fish.
    4.Drink enough fluids(2500-3000ml/day)to keep hydrated unless told otherwise.
    5. Keep walnut on the kitchen counter or anywhere as a snack he can eat whenever he wants to. It is a good protein source.
    6. Do not use regular sugar, white bread and white rice;but whole grain cereals and pasta are fine.

    additional info.7/18/2011
    with regard to regular meals ,try to make Asian dishes.;like stir fry vegetables of sliced ba choy,chinese cabbage or just cabbage,brussels sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli and different kinds of mushrooms,tomato , onion and peas (buy them in the frozen section if you can,they are fresher and don’t need to wash );chop to bite size of different kind of fish and chicken without growth hormone(Purdue chicken).
    The method of simple Chinese cooking.(a rice cooker under 8 dollar is a good investment;a small size(10-12inch diameter wide of a Chinese wok is recommended,but not required(you can do steam cooking with wok too ).

    1.Use peanut or olive oil,put one-2 tsp. intoa stainless steel pan or chinese wok. medium heat the oil till see smoke coming out then add a dash or two of ginger powder or 2 ginger slices to the oil;then add the veggie and stir fry them ,cover them for a couple minute and set aside;(you can try to add tumeric and thyme to try out too)
    2.then do the same but using garlic powder for meat(fish is better) for CC patient instead;cook and stir fry the meat(you can use tofu cut into cubes to replace meat) till they are almost done then add back the vegetable and add salt or soy sauce to taste. it takes 5-10 min to make for one dish of stir fry veggie with meat-easy cooking and cheap.

    3. When you order chinese food outside;please remind them to use LESS oil.
    Ma poo to fu,(spicy); chicken with curry sause (spice), steamed fish with ginger and green onion chopped and put on the top; sweet and sour soup;stir fry vegitable with fish or chicken;my all time favorite is stir fry bitter melon with black bean source and fish;(warning:it required a special taste buds to try it;not to mention like it or love the taste of it.)

    4.The Golden rule of Chinese cooking is ADD chopped ginger and chopped green union(you can use chopped scallions) to vegetable;and chopped Garlic and/or green union to meat;if the meat is fish ,add a couple slice of ginger.

    5.And the PROPORTION of veggie to meat is 3 to 1 for most of us CC patient.

    6. Prefer to eat with brown rice;but if white rice is provided,just eat less.or you can eat with pasta or noodles made with whole or multi-grains instead.
    6.the method of cooking rice is in the instruction booklet of the rice cooker.
    good luck ;try to eat less of the western style meals instead.It will be much healthier.

    5.Of another note ,one patient of lung cancer,stage IV, 6 month to live claimed that he change his diet to 70% of vegetable and 30% of just fish.and he just take IRESSA (Gefitinib) for 3 years and he is now back to work and enjoy life in Taiwan after treatment in Singapore.
    Besides the diet ,he contributed his recovery to positive attitude to fight the cancer;excellent caregiver-his wife and friends to provide knowledge and information(social networking).
    God bless.

    Last edited by PCL1029 (Today 07:19:38)

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