Suggestions to manage Dumping syndrome 2.5yrs post-Whipples surgery?

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    carmel….we had few discussion on this problem, but I recall a conversation about proton pump inhibitors i.e. Prevacid, etc.. You might want to discuss with the physician.




    I’m sorry I can’t add further useful information- can only say we hope your brother starts to improve and feel better. However, do want to thank you Debbie for the information and hope it can help many others too.



    Hi Carmel,

    This is the first I’ve heard of dumping syndrome, so I’m a novice on this topic. I took a quick look at Mayo Clinic’s online summary, though. It sounds like this must make him incredibly uncomfortable and he has my sympathy. From what you described, he is doing most of what Mayo recommends (small, frequent meals, healthy eating etc.) It may be worth a conversation with him to check his understanding of “healthy” eating. Not at all meant to insult him, rather to be sure he is following expert advice on what constitutes healthy. I know even in my family, each of us has a different set of “healthy” guidelines.

    Key dietary items per Mayo include

    – No sugar. In addition to table sugar, this includes fruits (sucrose), milk (lactose which converts to sugar in the body) and other foods that may contain sugar.

    – Eat more protein, which digests more slowly and adds weight

    – Include fats like olive oil, mayonaise or margerine

    – Increase fiber – to slow digestion. (Physillium works well).

    If he is following all of this and still has concerning symptoms, there are medications that can be prescribed. The site also recommended lying down after meals to slow digestion.

    Hope this was a little helpful. Best wishes to your brother.



    I’m writing this for my brother who had Whipples surgery 2.5yrs ago, chemo & radium last year and is going relatively ok with exception to back pain, fatigue and dumping syndrome. He cannot seem to find anything to help the dumping. Even though he tries to eat smaller frequent healthy meals, the nausea, abdo pain, bloating and diarrhoea is causing him discomfort and slow weight loss from the possible malabsorption. Is there anything out there that anyone can recommend to help ease these ongoing and aggravating symptoms? Thanking you in anticipation.

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