Suggestive Questions for Medical Oncologist

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    Thank you ladies….I appreciate your input. I will certainly bring up the use of a Urologist and questions regarding use of chemo and how will effect her kidney. Thanks a bunches…..Michelle


    Michelle. I missed asking a lot of questions because I didn’t know to ask them. The oncs assistant will go over most of the info. They can discuss side effects and if they don’t know, make sure to ask the onc about possible kidney issues. Different chemos have different issues that they watch. I know some do have possible effects on the kidneys, but I’m not sure that all do.
    Bring a notebook and write things down. Ask for clarification if you don’t understand something.


    Hello Michelle, while I can’t give you an answer to your question I do have a suggestion. Everyone who has CC has a Team. All your Docs make up Mom’s TEAM. I would ask the ONC if the TEAM should be also talking to a Urologist as well. When Teddy’s CC returned after his Whipple it bent his R Ureter which had to be stented, therefore we had to bring a Urologist into our TEAM. But this would definitely have to be one of your leading questions. Best of luck and please let us know how the meeting goes.


    Hi Guys,

    My mom has her first appointment with her medical oncologist on Wednesday and I was hoping you guys could weigh in on questions we should ask. My mom is resisting chemo treatment unless it is a last resort, due to her left kidney being under developed and sitting on the right side. She is deafly afraid that the chemo will cause additional damage that may lead her down the road of dialysis. She has stated many times that would rather die than live thru kidney dialysis. However, the radiation oncologist highly suggested we see a medical oncologist or else we’re just fighting half the battle. So, if you guys have any ideas about the type of question I should be asking please feel free to share. Thank you so much and God Bless…….Michelle

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