Support Groups

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    Pepehorse… you can see people respond differently to support groups. Some people derive benefits from sharing their thoughts whereas others do not find much comfort at all. I would say try it with either personal counseling or with a cancer group nearby. Not much harm can be done. Although, it is highly unlikely to find a group with a CC patient there are many similarities amongst cancer patients some of which your Dad may be able to relate to.
    All my best wishes,


    Pepehorse-Support groups were really not an option for me, when I was diagnosed. I always wished they were.I was never a “cancer patient” or was I a “liver transplant patient”. My coordinator discourgaed the liver support group, because I really didn’t have liver failure ( also the stigma that goes along with liver transplant) and didn’t feel I would fit in. My oncologist and cancer treatment weren’t my main issues or doctor. I know this all sounds strange but I never belonged to one certain group, the only place I fit was here, and even here my treatment wasn’t the norm. I know my cousin who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the same time, had a supprt group for her, her family and one for her spouse, she was very busy (and winning her fight)!!! I know how much sharing stories good and bad can help.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    When I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I did attend a few support group meetings. It was very helpful because the path of BC is similar and the outcomes and side effects are a lot more predictable. When I was diagnosed with CC, I went to see a private counselor during and a while after my chemo. It was helpful to be able to cry and talk without having to deal with the worry about other peoples’ feelings. Our caretakers, family, and friends are all going thru their own CC journey with us and it’s difficult to unload on them the way you can unload on a stranger.

    So. .. I would agree with Lainy on this point. Good luck.


    Dear Pepehorse, my own personal opinion is that I believe a one one one with a counselor would be more beneficial. The reason is that ‘other’ Cancers are so different than CC. We are in a category by ourselves which is why we are referred to as an orphan cancer.
    I have been in touch with Mayo Clinic Scottsdale to start a support group for only CC. Problem is because there are not enough patients with CC (I think 1 is too many) a support group would not work at this time however, I did send them brochures (50) for various Cancer Departments and I did get my foot in the door. This is a slow process. The Manager of the Department I need to work with is new and I had to give him time to settle in. I will probably call him again in October. Bottom line is that we would have to be part of their Cancer Support group so we may do that, as something is better than nothing for a start. Also MD Anderson is opening here next week and after they have some time to settle in I will call on them as well. Honestly for myself, I felt I learned so much more on this site than I would have in a support group. With all that said you might want to make sure that everyone else is very up around your Dad. I would tell everyone who came to visit Teddy that they cannot cry, he never wanted to see tears. Actually my strength came from his strength and back and forth. If a family acts down then the patient will be down. One more thing….let it be your Dad’s decision if he wants to go to a support group. We care and I know you will keep us posted.
    P.S. One little story I will never forget. Teddy’s sister flew in from Dallas to see him. She is very loveable but our little Italian drama queen. I told her over and over she cannot cry when she see’s him. This was just before his first Whipple and he was totally jaundice and so sick. She knocks at the door, I let her in, she takes one look at Teddy and says, “Oh, wait a minute, I got to take this phone call” and ran back outside where she had her cry. At the time it was bittersweet as we all didn’t think she would handle it…but she did.


    My dad who has recently been diagnosed with CC has been a bit down recently. He has been through alot and I’m wondering if we should convince him of attending suuport groups so that he can talk to other people battling cancer. Have you or your loved ones been? if so did you find it helpful.

    Hopeful daughter :)

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