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    I had a 65% liver resection at Mayo. Was discharged on the 6th day. Pain the first 2 days was pretty bad but tolerable after that. Was up and walking the day after surgery. Had to have some fluid drained twice from my chest a couple of weeks after surgery that was around my lung. Felt pretty tired for a couple of months but for me certainly better than the alternative would have been.
    Like Kris had some weird sensations around incision but nothing couldnt tolerate. Hope this helps. Take care and God Bless,


    My husband, Teddy, had a Whipple 4 years ago this month at the age of 73. It has bought him 4 valuable years and counting! He was in the hospital about 2 weeks and was sitting up the first day to my amazement.
    The Whipple is the largest surgery to the human body, not life threatening but huge. Would he do it again, yes. He was very healthy going in to the situation and had that on his side as well. Yes, fatigue is paramount for a few months. Appetite returns in a few months and in 6 months he was putting golf balls and working part time. To me, if the doctor feels you have a good chance what is a few months when it can buy you more years. A lot depends on where your father’s CC is and were they actually talking Whipple or something else. Sorry you had to come to our Oasis but there are so many loving and caring and brilliant people here to help you out. If yu can tell us a little more about the diagnosis that would help.


    I was in the hospital 2 weeks, but half of that was the wait for me to poop. They would not release me until I had a bowel movement and unfortunately my body decided not to cooperate.

    I was up and walking 4 to 5 days after surgery. I was wiped out for about a month as my body hoarded the calories to grow half a liver. After that I was “tired” for about 6 weeks.

    The incision line caused some discomfort. As the nerves grew back they got comfused and would send weird impulse sensations to my brain, such as feelings of warm and cold, but the worse was the bee sting feeling. It would not last long and if a rubbed the area, it would disappear almost immediately.

    I had an infection and had go back to the hospital for a couple of days…nothing too bad. I didnt even run much of a fever.

    The pain was bearable. The put me on tylonel and ibruprofin 3 days after surgery and that was that.

    Hope that helps.



    My Dad (75) was diagnosed a few weeks ago.
    He is opting not to have surgery (Whipple or otherwise) as he is convinced the recovery is too long, to much, etc.
    Coudl someone pls share recovery experience-how long were you in the hospital, complications, fatigue, rehab?

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