Thanks guys for all the support. Yes that’s me on caring bridge. I try to update here as well but do most of it on caringbridge! Thanks for all the care and support!
Glad to see you posting post surgery. I’m thrilled for you. Do you have your caring bridge site posted? I follow caring bridge a lot and post there too. Just added my link on that section.
Eta: found it. Clever deduction from seeing your name on posts and your screen name. Will be following your recovery and hoping to write a similar story one day. Well done!
Congratulations, Porter, on your smooth recovery! So glad everything went well and you will be home soon. Healing thoughts and healthy blessings,
Thanks guys. Lainy yes I plan to take all the time my body and I need. But as of now my goal is to head down that way in June. I will keep u updated via email