Surgery is scheduled

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Surgery is scheduled

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    Hi there,

    Thanks for sharing the good news with us all and I hope that it continues for your husband on the 4th. Fingers crossed for you both!

    Best wishes to you both,



    Good luck. Sending postive energy and warm thoughts.



    Great news! Nov. 4 is on my prayer calendar. So while your husband has an appointment with the surgeon, I’ll have an appointment with God on his behalf. God bless…



    That is the best news today! Your husband is not the only trooper in the house!
    Stay strong and we will all be pulling and cheering for you both on November 4th!


    I agree with Jemima. This is fantastic news. I will keep you close in my heart on the 4th and am sending tons of good wishes your way.


    That is such great news. I am so pleased for you all. Not long to wait and a good attitude from the doctor too.
    Keep us posted and best of luck


    Sorry I haven’t been able to post lately. I have been very busy taking care of my husband and I am also a full time student. We have been through alot of ups and downs. He had is portal vein embolization on September 17th. He came through that great. He has also been having alot of infections. I have now learned how to take care of a pic line at home. I was giving him IV antibiotics every 6 hours. He has came through this like a trooper. We went to see the doctor Friday to see if the left lobe of his liver has grown. They said it is more than enough to sustain life so they scheduled the surgery for November 4th. The doctor is very optimistic that he will not even need chemo after the surgery. He thinks where the tumor is located he will be able to get it all. We will know for sure after surgery is complete. It has been one heck of a ride but now we finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. The doctor said he should really be ok after the surgery and there is a 75-80% chance that the tumor will not reoccur.
    I would like to thank everyone for your support during all of this. I may not have been able to post but I have gotten on here and read. Everyone has given me the strength I need to help him through this. Our kids are so excited that now daddy may be able to get in the floor and play with them.

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