Surviving Loss

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    Dear Calida….what an enormous responsibility it is for a young person to take on the role of the caretaker. I congratulate you on both, the tending to your Mom and the wisdom you have gained and are now sharing with us and many others. Thank you.
    Best wishes,


    Jemima, I used to wonder how I would survive without her. I remember looking at her and trying to soak up every moment while I could. Now, it is those moments that get me through. The best thing we ever did was accept and continue living the best life we could while she was here. You and your mother will be in my prayers.


    Thank you Calida for those beautiful thoughts about life. I face the prospect of losing my mother to CC and cannot imagine what it will be like. You are right that there is humour in any situation and I love the idea of pennies being from those in heaven. It’s very comforting.
    best wishes


    This is a blog I recently created to remember my mother who died from Cholagiocarcinoma in 2007. I was her primary caregiver and found it difficult taking on that role as a 22 year old, it felt very much like I was alone. These are some of the memories that helped me get through then and continue to help me now that she is gone. I hope someone else will find the humor and love in these memories helpful, uplifting, or if nothing else puts a smile on your face.

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