Susan G. Komen sueing other cancer research efforts

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    Lisa, you saw this all coming years ago! You were right and I think they have made a huge boo boo.


    This is outrageous. This confirms my intuition that SBK is in it for the money, and finding a “cure” (oh, I used the word cure, will I be sued?) is not the primary goal. Big charities like SBK get big money that is used to fund big salaries for the people who work there. Just because you call yourself a non-profit does not mean you do not personally profit from your charity. SBK shows little concern for any other cancer research, as this article demonstrates. They show no concern for victims of other cancers, as I have personally experienced.

    What are they going to trademark next? The color pink? Shame on them.

    I support the American Cancer Society. Good people doing good work. Fighting all cancer. This morning I signed up to be on my daughter’s team. She is a Team Leader and is very involved in the yearly Relay for Life.


    Wow! Shame on the Komen Foundation. I posted the article on my facebook page as well. They really are starting to look and feel like bullies.



    Just posted the Huff Post link to facebook. I’m appalled – how can you trademark the word “cure”?


    I happen to be getting fluids today and had to show this to the nurses that work in the infusion center. I along with the other nurses are appalled by this article.


    Does it kind of make you wonder where their money really goes to?


    Here’s the info: Nancy G. Brinker, Founder & CEO
    Susan G. Komen Foundation
    5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 250
    Dallas, TX 75244


    EXACTLY. ( you made me laugh out loud!)

    And I will write a letter, copy it off and get every single person that I can to sign it.
    I think that many letters, rather than a petition type of thing might make more of a statement /have a bigger effect.
    I’m not “just saying this” …i am really going to do it.



    I feel the same way. I am writing a letter to Nancy G. Brinker, Founder and CEO of the Foundation. I get outraged over things like this. And I want to add: Who the hell do they think they are!!!!!!@#$$###


    I just did 2 things

    1) Posted the Huffington article on my Facebook with the words ” They should be ashamed of themselves”.

    2) Went to the Susan B. Komen site –went to “Contact Us”–and in the field that wants a reason for contact, I opted for “Improper Conduct: ( because it goes to GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS ) and wrote something to the effect of ” I respected the Foundation no longer because of the lawsuits /The foundation should be ashamed/ my opinion is that this news of the lawsuits will lead to a negative backlash….

    I mean, ………………really now. Come on. I think that what they have done is ridiculous.
    We are ALL supposed to benefit from the discoveries, medical break-thrus, effects made on behalf of every single person on this earth who has/had/will have cancer.
    It just shows how naive I and many others are because I always thought that this “fight”, this “race for the cure” was for ALL OF US and not just those of a certain group.
    They really should be ashamed in spending a million plus to sue others that out of the goodness of their hearts are striving to do their bit for ALL OF US when that money could be much well better spent.

    Jeepers……I’m really pushed out of shape over this…………………… much so, that I am going to tell everyone who will listen to me.


    WOW! What next? Great post. I will now have to think of a word and sue anyone who uses it. $$$$$$$$$$$$$


    I justed posted this as my Facebook status….that should reach a lot of people! How awful………..


    Great post-all of this family needs to e-mail or post on there is power in numbers- Cathy


    Lisa and others who are irritated by all the pink,
    I now join your ranks.

    I’ve always thought any cancer research benefits all of us. It seems marketing is now more important to the Susan Komen Foundation than research.—susan-g–komen-foundation—spider-man-musical?xrs=share_fb

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