Suzanne’s Sister

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Suzanne’s Sister

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    Thanks, Patty – I have been reading posts on the website now for a few weeks, and had already gotten a lot of information prior to knowing that Suzanne’s resection results weren’t what we’d hoped, never dreaming we’d really have to use it! We were just so hopeful that the resection would be successful. Now that we are getting ready to try something else, I feel sure this website will be the source of a lot of knowledge and support.




    Welcome to you and your family, I am glad you found us, I don’t know what I would have done without this place.



    I am Suzannegm’s sister – she was recently diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma. After undergoing an unsuccessful liver resection, she is scheduled to see an oncologist next week. We as a family are anxious to hear what the doctor will have to say, all the while being aware that there are alot of options out there, and from what I can tell, there is much information on this website. Suzanne is only 43 years old, full of life and so much fun! While we know this is not going to be an easy battle, we are committed to helping her find the right treatment that works for her – she has alot of life left to live and we will do everything possibly to make sure she has it – she is still a newlywed (2 years in September) – married to a wonderful man that is also committed to seeing her through this. Unfortunately, we are not strangers to cancer in my family – my father passed away from mesothelioma (asbestos-related cancer) and my brother also had cancer but has passed the 5-year mark and is doing well. We are scared about this but are relying on each other’s strength to get through it.


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