Swollen Abdomen with discomfort/pain

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    Hi Kate –
    My husband’s stomach got quite swollen just before he was diagnosed. I used to tease him because it really looked like he was pregnant (guess I would have liked that better than the cancer diagnosis). Often times if the liver is not working well which is common with CC. This is because the liver becomes stiff and does to allow the blood to flow through like normal. Then the clear part of the blood leaks out causing what is know as ascites. It causes the belly to look bigger and it can put pressure on the other organs which can cause pain. Not 100% sure that this is it but the CT scan will show this. Also it can be easily drained for comfort.
    Also make sure that your mum is having regular bowel movements. If not the constipation can cause so significant abdominal pain. If constipation is the problem, let me know….I have a bunch of different remedies for that.
    Hopefully everything goes good today.



    Hi Kate,

    Sorry to hear about your mums swelling in her abdomen, grrrr to that. Does your mum have swelling anywhere else, legs or anything? The CT will hopefully show much more info as to what is causing the troubles for your mum and then what can be done to help ease this for your mum. Please let us know what the CT shows. How long ago was it that she had the nano knife treatment>

    My best to you and your mum,



    Kate….so sorry to hear of the latest developments. Hoping that the swelling is related to the Nano-knife treatments. Today’s CT scan will be give the physicians a pretty good idea as to what is going. Sending tons of good wishes your way and please keep us posted.


    My Mum has a tumour in her bile duct which was inoperable so she had nanoknife treatment to it. She also has a couple of nodules of cancer on her stomach along with some inflammation.

    On Saturday we took her to hospital as over the last 2 weeks she has been suffering from a lot of discomfort (especially after food) in her upper abdomen. It can be quite painful. The whole of her abdomen feels tender to touch and she describes it as a burning feeling. The upper part of her abdomen is swollen.

    Doctors treated her for a minor infection which has now cleared but they are unsure what is causing the abdominal swelling (only slight) and pain/discomfort. She is hoping to have a CT scan today.

    I wondered if this rang any bells with you guys as to what could be causing this?

    Many thanks as always,


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