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  • #56342

    Tiff… have good reasons to be tired given you have two active, little ones and are dealing with chemo induced anemia. Don’t know how you can carve out a little rest time for you, but sure wish it was possible.
    Sure wish that the Neulasta shot wasn’t so painful…someone should do something about that.
    All my best wishes,


    What symptoms are you having now?

    For the most part I feel good. The only pain I have is from my Neulasta shot, and that only last 1-2 days. I am quit fatigue all the time, but that comes with being a Mom of two young children. ;) I also have some tummy problems, but I have had that for a few years (doctors said IBS). I also have no appetite. Other than that, no symptoms.

    People look at me crazy when I tell them my diagnosis is a blessing, because I could very well be walking around with cancer and not know it.

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