Tarceva working to stop growth of my advanced IHC

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Tarceva working to stop growth of my advanced IHC

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    Just wanted to check in on you Tom! Hope the tarceva is working still for you!


    Tom…not only is it nice to hear from you it is equally a wonderful to know that you are responding favorably to Tarceva (Erlotinib.) This drug; the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is used off label for numerous cancers. We have gained a new perspective over time in that “stable;” has taken on a whole new meaning for patients like you, our Tiff, and the many others responding favorably to any treatment. So, keep the good news coming, dear Tom.
    I also wanted to mention that Genentech like most pharmaceutical companies, offers patient assistance. http://www.genentech-access.com/tarceva/hcp/see-how-we-can-help/our-services/patient-assistance

    Again, it is nice for you to check in with us; please do so more often.



    I have been on it for 9 months. Seems to be keeping me going too!
    Thank goodness my insurance will pay for it, because the bill is for 5K every month.
    One thing I love about it, is there really isn’t that many side effects, other than face rash. I would love to hear of more cc patients taking it.


    Dear Tom, I am glad to hear you are feeling OK. OK is better than bad. I am also very happy to hear that the Tarceva is working and wishing for your “stable” to again appear next month. Please keep us posted on your progress!



    I haven’t posted in a long time, I am now 2 years after diagnosis with advanced inoperable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Standard chemo regimens worked for a while and then were ineffective; then was on a clinical trial that unfortunately did not work. The only therapy left for me was to try drugs that may help but as of yet have no robust clinical data proving efficacy.

    In February my oncologist started me on Tarceva (ertonilib), an epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor. It is administered orally once per day. It is currently used for treatment of advanced pancreatic and non small cell lung cancers, but has been tried a bit with cholangio patients. Well, it is working to keep me alive so far. Tumours are stable; will be scanned again next month to see how things are doing. My health is ok as well. Not great! But good for someone in our position.

    If your doctors don’t have any help for you, you may want to try this drug. Keep in mind it may not be covered by insurance, if not it is 3 to 4 grand a month.

    Good luck to all and God bless,


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