Teddy is “Jerky” Literally!

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    Lainy, Your courage and compassion come through in your posts. You and Teddy are in my daily prayers. Many people gain strength in your experience and I can only pray that I will handle myself with such grace as my wife’s illness progresses .


    Hi Margaret. I feel you are also a strong woman. As I have said before I am trying so hard to look at this as a “Precious Time” so that I NEVER look back and remember my last few months with Teddy as a nightmare. Thank-you to Marion this is working. I also feel if I cannot be strong Teddy will see me as sad, depressed, crying and that will bring him down and that is not fair to him. My daughter, Robin is going through what your daughter is as Teddy has been in her life only 16 years and he is the daddy she never had. Robin’s kids have only 1 Papa so that is equally hard. Robin is divorced but even her Ex is coming in for the Service and has asked to speak. Sometimes I feel this man is so loved I have to be strong for the world! But I wouldn’t change a minute of it. Not sure if he will make his 78th Birthday October 27th but if he does we shall have a party. Maybe just Robin and the kids but we will do something. I think Tom’s wife is pretty fantastic also.


    Lainy you are just TOO FUNNY! I certainly hope that Teddy knows what a fantastic lady he married! (I’m certain that he does!) I only hope that I can stay as strong as you are when/if this time comes for my Tom.

    I, so far, have been able to stay strong by dealing with the facts of his illness and being there to deal with each crisis that comes along. About the only time that I ‘almost’ loose it is when the youngest daughter starts sobbing on the phone because she is so close to her stepfather that she just cannot bear the thought of him not being here anymore. Then I find it difficult to stay strong. But then I gently remind her of all the good things we have done as a family in the last 2 1/2 years since he was diagnosed and that makes me strong again.

    I’m with you on the ‘still so damn cute!” (but Tom hates it when I say he is cute, he thinks ‘cute’ is for girls, and I should say ‘handsome’)

    I am keeping both you and Teddy in my prayers and hope Teddy has a WONDERFUL 78th birthday!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.



    Thanks, lovely lady. I thought the Morphine but guess not. He has a Carnation Shake every morning with a banana in it. Hospice comes Monday morning again. Marion, you are so right about what I am doing and handling it all….even with all his physical changes I am able to look at him and say to myself, “he is still so damn cute!” I could just chew him up!:):)


    Lainy….you might want to confirm this with hospice, but I believe that the jerking may be caused by malnutrition, lack of potassium, and/or several other physiological changes ocurring. He can be given sedation for this.


    Thanks, Harmony. Yes, he knows he is jerking.


    Hmmm. You know, I had a chemo-embo around Memorial day, and following the surgery, I had a number of meds, including oxycodone, Reglan and tramadol. The Reglan made me jerk a lot in my sleep, kind of like when you in that in-between sleep and you feel like you’re falling. It also gave me really really freaky dreams and hallucinations. It sucked. I bet it’s the pain meds that Teddy is on. Does he ever know that he’s doing it, or is it just something you notice and he sleeps right through it?


    Teddy is on 75mg of Morphone 2 X a day 15-20mg breakthrough whenever he decides he needs it. Over the last few days he has started jerking motions in his arms and legs. He did it a lot in his sleep last night. Any guesses as to what may be causing it?

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