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  • #43424


    Hope the hand is better! Give the miracle man a hug and a kiss!

    Thinking of both of you!


    Hope your hand feels better soon.

    I am sending warm thoughts and hugs to you and Teddy on your honeymoon.



    Hi Lainy,

    Ouch! A stinger in your hand sounds painful to me! Not that I have any experience in trimming palm trees funnily enough, but wearing gloves sounds like a good idea to me! I hope that the doc can get this sorted for you asap.

    And thank you for updating us all on Teddy, I hope that you were able to enjoy his birthday. I’m glad to hear that he is getting on well with the oxygen and I hope that you are well also, apart from the hand!

    Hugs to you and Teddy,



    I’m glad Teddy is comfortable. And happy belated 78th birthday wishes to him! Lainy, you’re the best. I hope that your hand can be fixed up as good as new.

    I’m sure the Pope would be happy to know that Teddy is so loved.


    Oh Lainey, you certainly know how to keep life interesting….. hope you get your hand sorted ok tomorrow!

    So pleased you all had a good time on Teddy’s birthday – I’m sure he deserves even more communications than the Pope!
    Good that the oxygen is helping too, keep on keeping on, lots of love Val xxx


    Lainy…..I don’t cut palm trees, but am quite busy with trimming everything else including, oak trees. Always regret not to have worn my gloves.
    Hoping for the invader to be removed safely tomorrow.


    I can’t imagine everything you have been through for so many years…your strength and courage is an example for all of us. If I have half your strength I know it will be ok.


    I didn’t realize it’s been awhile since the last update. Gosh, I don’t want to loose my job!

    Teddy started his Oxygen Tuesday and it has become his best friend. He really likes it and that is a good thing. Sleeps a whole lot, doesn’t eat a whole lot, still wants to golf a whole lot!

    We want to thank everyone for calling and writing and cards and friends from our Cholangio Web site, that all made his 78th a real treat. I won’t even tell you how many we heard from….its embarrassing. You would think he was the Pope or something.

    For those of you who know about my hand, I went to my GP today and he is ordering an MRI as he thinks there is something in the soft tissue, perhaps a stinger!!!! If so it will have to come out. One of my friends said today that I already have so much on, my plate and I said, yeah, and I can’t use my hand to eat it! But the pain is starting to get to me. Hard to type too. Lesson: wear gloves when trimming Palm Trees!

    That is it until the Hospice Nurse comes in the morning. Stay tuned……..

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