Teddy Update

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    It makes me cry to see the last part of the journey because it hits so close to home. It is a journey and may the last part be fillled with love and peace.


    Hi Lainy

    Just wanted to pass on good wishes and positive thoughts to you, along with all the others.

    Fentanyl patches helped Alan so much (incredible how powerful they must be), so I hope it is the same for Teddy.

    Your comment, “I still look at Teddy and think he is cute” is just wonderful and brought a tear to my eye. Lainy, you are one special lady!

    I wish you love, strength and courage for the last part of this journey – and for Teddy, peace.

    Helen xx


    Amen to that Bz. Yes, they do have Chandler in common. Have you heard the latest? Stores like Sam’s Club, Costco, liquor etc. are going to start serving samples of liquor???? What a State we are in. Invite friends and have a cheapo party! Liquor now with all the samples of food. Shows that like you said the “exclusive” ones are going to heaven and the stunados (Italian for what you can imagine) are making new laws down here.



    I have often wondered if our cc family has their own little “exclusive” club in heaven? While each and every one of us is special, it is my observation that cc has touched the lives of some really awesome people. I know my dad will enjoy meeting Teddy when he is ready. My dad loved living in Chandler and will like talking to someone that knows his home so well.

    Peace be with you and Teddy,



    I don’t know what to say that hasn’t already been said other than my thoughts and prayers are with you both daily. You and Teddy have been an inspiration to me. Your loving care is remarkable. I just hope and pray that when my time comes my family is as loving and caring as you have been. Teddy has been blessed to have you as his wife. God bless you both,


    Lainy – You know my heart is with you and Teddy. I can’t tell you how often I think of you every day and pray for you and Teddy. You have been a godsend to all of us on this site and now I pray I can be there for you – at least to some degree. Hugs to you and Teddy. Love, Susan


    Hi Lainy,

    Great to hear that T’s spasms are calming down a bit and that you say he is sleeping a lot calmer. Hoping that this continues for Teddy and that the patches work well. Thinking of you both lots.




    Pam, by all means, Mom is now going to be part of the Gang!


    Ah Lainy,

    What a comforting thought that all of our loved ones will meet. My Mom loved to travel because she loved meeting new people….I like to think of her being welcomed and welcoming those who come after her….



    Yes I finally told mom I will not ask if you want this or that you let me know if and what you want and I will get it. That is working much better. Thanks for saving her a seat that is wonderful.


    codergirl we are right with you. Andie, JenS and me! I will advise the girls to have the 2 dads along with Teddy save a seat for Mom at the Italian Restaurant. Peace is what we want, yes? Isn’t it funny how in the beginning we are scared to death and in the end we just want Peace. Teddy is sleeping more peaceful with the Fentynal but I thought he would me a little more awake than with the Morphine. Not happening. As long as he is more peaceful doesn’t matter to me. Today he will get a bed bath by the Hospice shower girl. I am not even going to push him to eat, I shall wait until he wants to eat. What am I gaining by making him eat something. Another minute? He will love that I am not telling him what to do….for a change!


    Good Morning Lainy,

    I’m glad the night went well and will be hoping for a good day for you both and everyone else here. Always thinking of you.

    Love & Hugs,


    Very glad the patch is helping. Moms nurse said yesterday we have about 2 weeks. She does not want to leave the house. So I guess we are in for the long haul. She is resting peacefully.



    I have nothing to say except I know how it feels. I’m so glad you are being proactive on all fronts and am sending you lots of hugs and prayers. Teddy is so lucky to have you in his heart and life.

    We are always here when you need us!



    Again than you all!

    Margaret-are you kidding? Teddy watch for another cheesehead? He will be awaiting Tom with pleasure.

    Andie, I am so happy to hear the direction your Parents are taking. Good move.
    Try to explain to Mom that she has the power to make these “special moments” instead of the monster it is. Then she will not look back and see it as something horrible, but will mostly remember the good moments. I still look at Teddy and think he is so cute.

    Frances- You WILL give your Mother your best simply because you want to, that is all that is needed.

    Sunshine (that is what I call my youngest Grandson) the patch is doing well. The Morphine is still leaving but at least the terrible spasms have quieted down a bit. They were so bad that the Nurse was really upset. He has the patches and had 1 breakthrough hit and he said he can feel the difference. You can ask the Nurse to talk to Mom about medication and she will. Perhaps coming from someone else may help. Teddy once asked the Nurse why he takes so much and she simply said, “if you didn’t the pain at this point would be excruiating”. He has never asked again.

    Here is hoping for all of us to have a good day today! :):)

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