Teddy Update

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    Lainy: Please give Teddy great big HUGS from ALL OF US on this forum! Tell him to be watching for my Tom cause he will need someone to guide him once he gets there!

    Go with God and may you and T find peace and happiness.



    Lainey, compared to so many people on this site I have known you for such a short time, but I do know you have given Teddy all you can. I hope I can give the same to my Mother in the time that she has left. Bless you and I will sure think of you every day.

    Big hugs Frances


    My Dearest Lainy,

    As always you and Teddy are both in my thoughts and prayers.

    Mom and Dad have finally agreed to the Macmillan Nurses, mainly for support at the moment. When then time comes though they have agreed Dad will go into hospice care. I’m hoping my Mom will find the strength that you have found in caring for Teddy. The next few weeks are going to be hard but at the same time very special for all of us.

    Hope Teddy has another peaceful night, and you too manage to get some sleep.

    Take care of yourself,

    Love and hugs



    Lainy, You are my role model. You are very lucky to have found Teddy. He sounds like a wonderful husband, which you deserve. My prayers are with both of you.


    Lainy – You are so very special to all of us. I pray for peace for you and for Teddy. You deserve the very best and I am holding you in my heart every day. Blessings, Susan


    Lots of love you to and Teddy – I hope the patch helps and he has a peaceful sleep tonight!



    Lainy, You are such a rock for all of us. We only wish the best for you and Teddy. Thank you for the discussion on patches. Mom has been refusing all medication because she received a recall notice for one of her old pain meds and now she is scared of all medication! The nurse comes tomorrow and I hope she will have suggestions for us. My prayers are for the patient AND his caregiver.


    Thanks everyone. Teddy has slept the whole day and even fell asleep on the phone while talking to his daughter. I got his first 2 patches of Fentenyl on and have decided since time is getting shorter, to sleep on the living room couch so I can hear him at night. Not a big deal, maybe I will even sleep better than I have. All of a sudden he seems to be more peaceful. We shall see how the night progresses! Thank you all for your Caring!!!!



    I am so sorry Teddy is in discomfort. I hope the patch helps quickly.



    Lainy, I so agree with your choice for the both of you. It will be comforting for you to be Teddy’s wife in the end. I know this from experience, because my sister and I were both nurse and daughters in the end, mostly nurses. My only advice is not to wait too long for Teddy to be transferred to his Hospice faculty. They will take the very best of care with him, but I don’t want too much stress on you. You are just too special. I know you’d are not ready for Teddy to go, but I also agree, the way he is now is not him. I felt very protective of my dad
    in the end.

    I am thinking of you and hope you will have all the comfort you deserve. Teddy will have the best care and will be in a glorious place in the end. You must try to get some rest. You are being very brave as well as Teddy. Take care and hugs to you, Pam


    Hi Lainy,
    Thanks so much for your posts. I think of you and Teddy every day. I don’t know what else to say except I wish I could hold hands with you and Teddy and give you both a big hug.


    Thank you Lainy, as always, thinking of you and Teddy so much.

    Big hug to you both,



    My prayers are with you and Teddy. You are very proactive, which will help both of you.



    I had LABS drawn yesterday to see if T had too much ammonia in his system which could be causing the nightmares, dreams and muscle spasms. His ammonia level is normal. We are switching from Morphine to a Fentenyol patch. The Nurse ordered a Commode to put by his bed as he is getting much weaker. I will put the first patch on him tonight so here is hoping it holds the pain.

    I told her that I know we don’t have expiration dates on the bottom of our feet but asked if she could just tell me what she thinks as we have many out of towners who want to know. Now remember, who really knows! I guessed at 2 weeks and she said around 10 days. We have to be realistically optimistic…but I guarantee you this is not living and no one deserves this, it’s time for his Peace.

    In the meantime he had a couple of cute dreams this morning. Someone was asking him if he had a cigarette to which he replied that he would find one. I was slowly approaching the bed to see if he was ok and he smiled and said, oh look, it’s the Marlborough Girl!
    Then with work ever on his mind he had an idea for Peddlers Son (Produce company), who he worked for. He said, “we need to buy a good Italian sausage and have someone demonstrate it at Costco. It will sell like hotcakes!”.

    Teddy had a very special Thanksgiving and it was a Holiday we both love so much and everything was beautiful.

    The Nurse will let me know as time gets closer and I will have him moved to the Hospice Facility where they are better able to help him. She said I like that you are thinking that way as then at the end you can just be his wife again. She also told me about an Organization who takes medication and supplies for their clinic in Mexico and I will donate everything Medical we have and hope it helps someone there.

    That is my report today, nothing else to say. Just that I am so glad I did things to insure our Precious Time.

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