Teddy Update

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    I think of you both so often, Lainy & am sending you loads of best wishes.

    Julia xx


    Lainy and T:

    We will be thinking of both of you as we watch the Green Bay Packers today! It sounds like T is in good hands with Hospice and with family and friends visiting. Do you have a special support person for yoursef Lainy? I hope so because you will need someone. I know that one day I will be in the same position and my heart goes out to you.

    Go with God.


    Hi Lainy,

    It sure still sounds like you are both having a housefull of visitors every day and I hope that you are still sticking to your no cooking rule for visitors. I hope all the visitors are not tiring and stressing you both out too much, but I am sure that Teddy will appreciate all the visits. I guess a lot of company is better than too little.

    With today being Sunday I hope that Teddy has a great day sat in front of the tv watching his beloved football. I will be thinking of you both when I am watching the football later this evening, we get 2 games here live on Sunday nights. But make sure that you get him to watch more of America’s Got Talent with you!

    As always, I am keeping the two of you in my very close thoughts.

    Hugs to you both,



    Thinking of you always Lainy – special prayer for the two of you at bedtime tonight! Hang in there, and maybe shove a stopper in that revolving door for a few days so you can enjoy each other and ONLY each other….



    Hang in there..Prayers go out to you and your family


    Oh Lainy, I just don’t know what to say. You have done so much together, and built so many memories anticipating these moments, but it’s still hard to accept that the time is near.

    May you both be blessed as long as you can be and be able to grab those quiet times together. Forget the revolving door, just bask in each other.

    Here’s hoping Teddy’s football team does well and he can enjoy it. I am praying for all of you.



    Hi Lainy,
    I guess those quiet times when it is just the two of you are pretty special. Our house doesnt have the revolving door yet, though I think that is coming soon. Patience, love, and understanding is the order of the day.

    Yep, football is great. I only watch college though. I love watching my team and being a South Carolina fan is stressful! I hope Teddy’s team is better than mine so it is really enjoyable.

    Hang in there dearest Lainy.



    Nancy just started hospice last week and her Hospice doctor prescribed Demerol for her Rigors which Nancy gets frequently. We haven’t used it yet. Nancy seems to get Rigors at about 10 to 12 am followed by a high fever 102 to 103 that lasts unitil about 10 pm.

    Steve & Nancy St.Germain
    (49) (49)


    Hi Lainy,

    Just to say I am thinking of you both.

    Glad the football is in full swing and Teddy can watch his favourite TV, you did well to get him to watch Americas Got Talent, if sports is on I have no chance with the tv remote!

    Much love



    Well, here we are already at week 4 with Hospice. Teddy is doing as well as can be expected. A son came in Wednesday from Milwaukee and leaves tomorrow, the other son arrives today to Monday. Daughter to come back next week but not until I have had a few days with out company. Tuesday morning the Priest came in the morning and the Rabbi in the afternoon! Sometimes I feel like we have a revolving door here! But that’s OK, better than being ignored. Our friends have had to take a back seat.
    Pain still under control, eating a little less than before, taking more naps and last blood pressure was 92/48. The blood pressure is what I find very strange.
    Rigors can be horrendus, any ideas other than 3 quilts with a heating pad and me laying over the top? This is some way to show our affection!
    He now has a wheelchair (unused yet) a walker and a shower chair. I could open a Medical Supply store. Also learned the hard way that with Rigors you can loose control of the bladder. Now have a supply of Chux! Bowels doing fine with the aid of a morning and evening assist.
    Football as you know is in full swing now and that is his favorite. I did get him to watch America’s Got Talent with me.
    Oh, and Carnation Instant Breakfast, vanilla is his favorite now. My garbage can is being fed very well with things he thinks he want then doesn’t like when he eats them.
    Hoping you are all doing as best as you can….stay tuned…

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