Teddy Update and other “Stuff”

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    Dearest Lainy

    Thank you for your wisdom which i will take to heart. I am thinking of you.

    lots of love



    Lainy: Tom is taking oxycodone and is sleeping a great deal of the time now. I believe that the oxycodone is responsible for his sleeping all the time. Of course it could be somewhat caused by the Chemo that he is undergoing right now as well. I’m a bit concerned since he seems to be sleeping about 14 plus hours in a 24 hour period, but I also know that if he is sleeping, he is not hurting from the Reumatoid arithritis (sp) that he has just been diagnosed with.

    Happy 16th anniversary to you and Teddy. Tom and I just celebrated our 9th anniversary in Feb. and we were so hoping to have a 10th anniversary next feb, but that may not be in the cards for us, given his current condition. But, each day is precious and each day we are building those memories that will have to last me a lifetime!

    Have fun in Milwaukee at the lake, sorry that it won’t work out for us to meet, Tom so wanted to be able to meet Teddy. (He is our inspiration!) But you tell Teddy to enjoy his time with his children.

    Go with God, prayers coming Teddy’s way.

    Margaret and Tom


    Lainy, I hope you have a trip filled with wonderful memories. My sister is on oxycontin & oxynorm (which I’m assuming are oxycodone by another name) & YES she is permanently sleepy. I’ve realised she can have a coherent conversation in that state, but rarely remembers it.



    Lainy, sad to say, in this part of the country, “hillbilly” is used as an ethnic insult, almost as offensive as the N-word, so I try never to say it… Just so you know!

    Bon voyage hugs to you from



    Dear Lainy.

    I hope you both have a wonderful holiday, relaxing, making special memories and spending quality time with your family.

    Thank you for all your kind words and I will definatley be taking on board your Lainy wisdom.

    Lots of love and best wishes to you both. I look forward to reading your holiday report when you get back.


    Lainy…..Teddy’s sleepyness may very well be attributed to the Oxycodone. I also believe that extreme tiredness is part of the progression of the disease. My husband was on very little pain medication and yet he slept more and more, as time went on. I believe it to be a natural part of the process. Contrary to my husbands increased sleeping, my time of resting decreased significantly in fact; I don’t recall sleeping much more than four hours at a time. (If that.)
    Which brings me to something you and I are so keen of sharing with others: the importance of nurturing the caretaker. Please, dear Lainy, allow yourself to do a few things of importance to your well being. A little bit of time away from it all will not cause any harm. Whatever you do please, allow yourself some space and time: some Lainy time.
    I am wishing for a safe and enriching trip, a joyful time with the family and a memory of love, caring, kindness and happiness.
    Hugs to both of you,


    Thanks, Kristen. I LOVE the term “hill Billy” as my brother lives in Chattanooga!
    I used Oxy after my surgery last October and it didn’t seem to make me that sleepy just took the edges off. Hope you guys are doing great. See you on our return!


    Oxycodone makes me very, VERY sleepy and relaxed… that’s why it’s one of the top choices of drug addicts. (People call it “hillbilly heroin,” please pardon the expression.) If that’s what Teddy takes for pain, I’m not surprised he’s “slowing down!” But for me it’s very effective, and it got me through the initial pain of the bile drain just fine.

    Hope this helps!

    Have a wonderful, wonderful time and take nice deep breaths of “up north” air every chance you get!

    Much love to you both,



    Hello everyone. We just returned from our 3 day weekender where we celebrated our 16th Anniversary. It was tough in every way but we did have a good time with my brother at a resort in Scottsdale. This Thursday we leave for 2 weeks in Milwaukee and while I am dreading the trip for obvious reasons, we will be chill-laxing at a little Lake House. The kids will come and go and it will be fun. Paying a visit to the orginal surgeon so Teddy can thank him for the 5 year gift he gave us. Teddy is slowing down more, I think,but then again it could be the Oxycodone. Does anyone know if the Oxy makes you so tired. I suppose its a combination. I simply cannot go through all the Posts I missed so I apologize but will pick up again when we return to Milwaukee.
    If I was to leave you with any Lainy wisdom, from what we are going through now, it would be……DON’T dwell on negatives. Don’t waste valuable energy that will be needed later whether you are a patient or a Care Taker. Sometimes I know it is easier said than done. I have found that having an up attitude even seems to push away the doubts and fears. When I find myself on the verge of breaking down or with negative thoughts that race through my mind when I wake up in the middle of the night, I repeat this mantra over and over again, ” thank you for my life, thank you for my children, thank you for the last 16 years with Teddy”…..You just keep adding as many of your own thank yous as you want. Before you know it bad thoughts are gone and you are more relaxed.
    We will be back the 8th of August. Until then, good thoughts flying your way. Love to you all.

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