Test Without Study

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    Have a great time in Mexico. We just got back from a cruise. It was wonderful! So relaxing.



    Hope you have great news after your MRI.
    I use to have these every three months. Now that I’m on a clinical trial it’s once every two months. The ear plugs help nicely with the banging. Some MRI machines are faster than others. I have had MRI’s completed in 40 minutes or so.
    Speaking of confinement, the grand old MRI is the reason I first decided to be be cremated. At first I hated having an MRI because it felt like I was in a coffin. I’ve gotten over that and it’s not really a big deal now, but I’m still going to be cremated. Seems to me like a very “green” thing to do :-)


    ccactive123 wrote:
    In 2 weeks I go to Mexico for warm water and sand

    Now that sounds WONDERFUL, Jeff :)

    Good luck with all the tests. I’ve never had an MRI (and never will be able to, now, because I have two artificial knees) but an hour to an hour and a half in a noisy tube doesn’t sound a pleasant experience.

    Warm water and sand sound great, though … **sigh** … :D


    I am heartened to read of good news on this site such as Matt’s wife’s successful surgery.

    Tomorrow I have an MRI with and without contrast. If it’s unchanged, I am good for now. If there are changes, the cc is coming back to get me and I’ll find out how long my doc says I have since I am a non-treater.

    I was scheduled for a CAT but wondered whether radiation from that test was really advisable. My onco told me an MRI is just as good with the only risk being the gadolinium’s effect on the kidneys. Since my kidneys are healthy, I changed from the CAT with and without contrast to the MRI with and without contrast. It’s a full abdomen and pelvis, so it’s 1-1.5 hours of loud, banging noise and confinement withing the MRI tube.

    Next month I turn 65 and go on Medicare, so my medical costs go way down, and am ever glad! My pancreatic enzymes were running me $350/mo. and now will decrease to $81. In 2 weeks I go to Mexico for warm water and sand and look forward to doing little to nothing, something very chanllenging for my Type A/Type T personality.

    May the scourge of cc be wiped from the face of the planet and all of us playing golf, on the high-dive or doing whatever it is we like to do without cc, I remain, yours,

    Jeff G

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