Thank goodness

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    I have to say, in the midst of all that you are going thru, you managed to bring back something that made me chuckle…”making air” was what my days in the hospital were all about after surgery. EVERY person who walked in to see me, medical or not, always asked if I had passed gas yet. Some called it “passing gas”, but some just put it out there…”have you farted yet?” Oh the times I had to roll my eyes at them.

    I hope your Mom continues to heal and gets home before too long. She is in all of our thoughts and prayers.

    Find the humor where you can!!! (I think that may be my new byline…)



    I laughed to read of the wait for gurgling sounds!! Remember I was saying that the Docs in Greece were keen that my Mother should, as they put it “Make air”, before she could have food!!
    Glad to hear all is moving along. Gosh, so reminds me of my time post op with Mum! Such a difficult time, but also it was just such a relief too, that something had been “done”!
    As for the blood pressure, your only real question, I can’t help, sorry! I would THINK that it must be fairly normal to be high so soon after such major surgery, but then, I’m not a medical person. I’m sure the Docs will help you if you ask.
    Keep us posted, it’s good to know what’s going on, and will also help others who have surgery in future.
    Much love to you all!


    Great news, so glad for you!!! As for the pillow, try to get one of those body pillows that are really long – I had one when I was pregnant and named it “Pierce” for Pierce Brosnan, because I loved to sleep with it! Then I got one for my mother when she started having abdominal pain and she named it “Henry” and she could finally sleep comfortably once she had that pillow.
    I don’t know about the blood pressure but I’m sure someone else here will know. Best of luck and congratulations!!


    another great day so far 3 days post op she is in a reg room had the tube removed this morning and all iv’s only thing left is the nution iv that is her neck and her cathider. She has her appitite back. wanted to eat today, one nurse told her she could eat when they heard her digestive track working (gurgling sounds) and that walking would help alot. So up and walking we did my husband had to laugh because my mom and I were just about out the door when he got a phone call, we were already around the corner out of sight when he got off he was shocked how close to her regular pace she was. We’ll this must have worked she got to have liquids for dinner. She says thanks to everyone here and for the idea of the pillow usage and the troat spray. She is also taking care of her own isulin too. home soon. Again thank you all!!!!!!!!!!
    I have one question though did anybody have trouble with their blood pressure ? It is still high.


    Hear hear!!


    You are bringing back so many memories


    finally getting a chance to update like I said in first post she had surgery friday she went around 6pm to surgical icu. This morning she was told she would be going to reg room on the transplant ward around noon. Had a slight delay because bloodpressure went up to 208/75 don’t know if it was because they had her sitting in a reclining chair all day. After she laid back in bed it came down and around 6 oclock she got to go into reg room. next step is to have the tube in her nose suctioning her stomach out removed so she can start eating. She is a type 1 diabetic on an insulin pump and they have her back on that already to. I’m hoping she keeps up this well. She’s on morphine She seems paraniod she was very short with me so I left for a while she called tonight and was much better. I’ll try to update tomorrow night. Good night


    OH GOSH!! Just asked in your last post if there was any news…………GREAT!
    That is great news. Plaese keep as updated when you have time!
    I hope she continues to recover well!


    Wonderful news! I’m so happy for you and your family!!! Best wishes for continued good results!!


    Thank you all for for helping me so far mom had bile duct resection and liver was excellant. Took doc 6 hrs and she is recovering great thanks a bunch.

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