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    So sorry for you loss. Keep him in your hearts and remember all the good times that you had with him.

    Go with God.



    I am sorry for your loss. I am sure your dad was aware of the love surrounding him.



    Dear Amy


    I am sorry for your fathers passing, but as a patient, I cant imagine a more loving and painless way to go with this cancer. I am so happy he was surrounded by those who loved him.



    Dear Amy, we are so sorry about the loss of your Father. Not only were you lucky to have been there but your dad was lucky to have you. He has not really left you he has just gone to another room. Our thoughts and prayers are flying out to you and your family.



    Thanks for sharing. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.




    Welcome to the site, although I am sorry that you have to be here. And I am very sorry to hear of the passing of your dad. I know the pain you are feeling right now as I lost my dad to CC last month. I am pleased to hear that your dads passing was peaceful and that he was surrounded by his family.

    My thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    I just wanted thank all who post about yourself or your loved ones CC journey. My dad was diagnosed October 09 and I have used this site as a referece tool. Reading about treatments, symptoms and what we may encounter with this awful cancer. To all the caregivers you are very special people, your kindness and compassion for another is so greatly appreciated. It is such an awesome task and I am so grateful for my mom, she is amazing.. you all are…THANK YOU. To all who have discoverd this site looking for answers as I did about what to expect after CC diognosis. I’d like to share our story. My dads CC was inoperable , he started pallative Chemo, he completed the first round and was to start 2nd and found that the lung involvement had worsened(my dads cancer was advanced and he wasnt feeling well when he started chemo, so if chemo is being considered please dont be discouraged). He decided he was done and Hospice was called. My dad passed away Saturday January 23rd. at the age of 68. He never had pain, never was jaundiced, he had very minor itching , his worst symptoms were lack of appetite and swelling of the legs and abdomen. He passed away at home with his wife and his 4 children holding his hands and telling him how much we loved him and that it was ok to go. I feel lucky to have been there. Good luck to all who continue to fight, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thank you again
    Johns daughter

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