Thank-you One and ALL

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Thank-you One and ALL

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  • #1575

    Words cannot convey to you the feeling I have inside from this project. When I think about your responses, tears come to my eyes and heart. We now have 28 letters plus the cover letter. Someone out there has to listen to us! Do you see what is happening? From the meeting in Boston last week, to the fliers we will be distributing, to the letters going out Friday we are going to be heard! It is a small step for us but a huge step for CC. I am ecstatic! Since we have until Friday, if there is anyone else who would like to write a letter, it is not too late.
    This is my last reminder on the letters and I would like to dedicate this one to the memory of “Chucks”. Let’s keep the momentum up! We want to make all the heroes proud who have fought so bravely for this to happen.

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