Thank you to all Contributors

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Thank you to all Contributors

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  • #12841

    My mother was recently diagnosed with Klatskin tumor, adenocarcinoma and the moment the GI doctor without a pathology report made the diagnosis, it was so painful to hear. I was in tears and very emotional having to deal with a few GI doctors, surgeon, an internist and tests which made me physically and emotionally exhausted. I pulled myself together and created strength to help her. Also, by providing information to help others with limited information on this type of cancer. I am on a mission to help others who like me were searching for answers and information.
    Thank you for everyone who is contributing, you make a difference.

    I will write more posts on findings, hopefully make comparisons, and really determine for a highly difficult cancer to diagnose, can some be benign? Is chemo or surgery to aggressive? Does immunotherapy work? How many opinions do you get?

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