The Cancer / Fungus Connection?

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    My brother Bruce, who was diagnosed with CC in October 2009 (given 6 months, and is still with us 21 months later) has been relying on my other brother and myself to do as much research as we can on this horrible disease. In the process, we had encouraged Bruce to have extensive bloodwork done by Dr. Aldino L. Pierotti III, MD in Pittsburgh, in order to discover whether Bruce’s immunce system (which we believed to be weak) could be fine-tuned. Dr. Pierotti runs extensive tests on his patients’ blood. With Bruce, We were happy to find out that his immune system was actually stronger than expected, needing only some minor adjustments (Dr. Pierotti prescribed several supplements)…however, he did find Candida in Bruce’s blood and prescribed Nizoral for treatment. Bruce checked with his oncologist, Dr. Stanley Marks, first, prior to starting the supplements and Nizoral…and Dr. Marks gave him the go-ahead to start.

    In the meantime, I have been researching the connection between Cancer and Fungus (yeast and molds are funguses)…and Candida is yeast. Here are some of the articles that I have found:

    Has anyone else found out more information regarding this connection? It sounds so rational and simple.

    BTW, information about Bruce’s supplements and health plan can be found here:

    Warmest regards,


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