The Future Development of Cancer Treatment

Discussion Board Forums New Developments The Future Development of Cancer Treatment

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    Marion, thnk you dear Lady, you make me blush, I don’t accept compliments very well. And look who is talking! I would have never kept is so well together as a Caretaker without you! Missing our Friday night dates! Like T used to say, “I learned from the best”.


    Agree with Percy’s comments, Lainy. We can always count on you being here for us. You are appreciated by us all, but then you already know that. Thank you, dear Lainy.

    In re: to the above mentioned article I would like to comment on the fact that our cancer lacks the molecular understanding of the disease something, we, the foundation, are focusing on.

    Secondly, it is important to understand the meaning of a Phase I clinical trial.

    “The patients in Phase I trials, which test brand new drugs for safety and dosage rather than efficacy, are usually in a bad place. Their cancers are advanced, and they’ve already had lots of treatments. In short, they’re dying. They’re willing to be guinea pigs on the off-chance that something new might buy them some time.

    Traditionally, “there was no particular expectation that you would even see any responses in a Phase I setting,” says George Sledge, a professor at the Indiana University School of Medicine and the former president of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.



    Percy, guess its because I am addicted to this Board. You know this site started 4 months after Teddy’s Whipple and it got me through the next 5 years so I guess some of it is paying it forward! Or like my daughter says, I found my niche! Then again, I would never have met such wonderful people as yourself and all the others. I wish with all my heart I didn’t need to be here and we could erase the whole thing and CC would be no more but as long as I can type and listen to my gut, here is where I want to be! You really cracked me up with Guru of Gut!


    Hi, Lainy,
    You are always welcome. As you are the guru of Gut feeling 101,how can I not to agree with the professor’s opinion.
    Lainy, thanks for your contribution on this message board. Your are always among the first ones to response to a message .
    God bless.


    Percy, very interesting! I was especially interested in the second part where they talked about Gleevec as I have already been told by 2 ONCs that should my GIST Cancer return I would have surgery again and then be put on Gleevec in a pill form. Good to know it’s pretty effective! Anyway, I just have a gut feeling it’s not coming back! Thanks so much for this post. Stay good!


    Hi, everyone,

    Part 1 (a simple introduction about cancer)

    Part 2 ( give you a better understanding about cancer and drug development)

    There are about 700 rare diseases currently being recognized.

    God bless

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