The passing of my dear, sweet husband, John

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance The passing of my dear, sweet husband, John

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    Dear Caryall,

    Please accept my condolences on the loss of your husband John.  Although he far surpassed the original prognosis, and you had more time than at first told, it still  doesn’t diminish your loss. I am so very sorry that your family has been touched by this disease, but hearing how courageously he fought and how much living you filled into your time together speaks to the relationship you had . The camping sounds amazing.  I hope in time, those precious memories will give you comfort.

    Love and hugs,



    Dear Carryall,

    Thank you for letting us know this sad news about your husband John.  I am very sorry to hear of your loss.  John so surpassed his doctor’s predictions, living an active life, sharing adventures with you, pursuing hobbies and interests, with Aunt Voodoo Char’s caring advice in the mix.  Patient stories like John’s give us all hope and optimism that despite what statistics may say, so many of us do better and continue to lead our lives.

    Please accept my prayers and condolences, please take care of yourself, and please stay in touch.

    Regards, Mary


    I first came onto this sight after my husband, John was diagnosed.   Many of you reached out and comforted and gave awesome advice.   My husband was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma on August 12, 2016.  At that time, he was in liver failure and very sick.   The doctor told us he had two weeks to two months to live.  I was completely devastated as we were just approaching our 2nd anniversary 4 days later.   The doctor told him that he had a couple of choices, hospice or possibly one type of chemo that would help extend his life.  My husband is a fighter and fight he did!  I reached out to my aunt, whom I have famously named, Voodoo Char.  She sent herb and natural medicines to help my husband fight.   One, he needed to get out of liver failure, which he did!  The other thing she made sure of was to build up his immune system, which was a success, his immune system was perfect during all of his treatments.  Not once did he get sick and was able to remain at home during his entire battle with this nasty cancer.   Because of the steps we took, we were able to enjoy over a year together every way we could.  We spent all last summer camping in the fifth wheel, fishing and just enjoying life the best we knew how.   Finally, the cancer and the chemo was too much for my husband and he slipped from this life on 11/22/17, the day before Thanksgiving.  I held his hand as he took his last breath and throughout his battle.  He fought a good fight all the way to the end.   He outlived what his doctor ever thought possible due to his extreme condition when he first met with him.   I am forever grateful to my aunt who helped prolong his life, which I may add, was quality!  John was able to work on cars, which is what he loved to do, snow blow our drive way and our surrounding neighbors driveways.  He was able to camp, fish, spend time with all those he loved so much.  I miss him everyday and am so proud of him for his bravery and courage.   He will be forever in my heart!!

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