The Rollercoaster just went down again…R hip pain

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    Charlea – Wow! 150 miles roundtrip….you are a trooper! Here’s hoping gas prices go down soon! Your messages always wind up bringing a smile to my face. You have an incredible attitude that is to be admired. Hugs – Nancy


    Ah, Charlea, I am so sorry to hear about this bump in the road. Too many of us learn that surgery seems to be a piece of cake while its the recovery thats the black cloud. I am wishing for a quick recovery on the infection and that you will soon be on the road again! Hang in and keep your positive thoughts up.


    Just a quick note. Back in December I was doing well and requested that I be able to wait four months for the next CT. My oncologist agreed and then in January I started having intermittent R hip pain which I attributed to bursitis which I have had before. Because of progressive pain my oncologist ordered a bone scan which showed a fairly small area of highlight and sent me to the radiation oncologist who assured me it would take just 10 treatments and then 3 months of the bone regenerating where the tumor had been. During my planning CT the radiation oncologist said the tumor was far more extensive and at risk of fracture so I headed for my orthopedic doctor who operated the next day with a screw and plate to stabilize the bone. The surgery went well and then the nurses looked under the binder I wore to apply pressure to minimize bleeding. That’s when the fun started for there for all to see was this bright red, blistered, draining rash that exactly followed the pattern of the binder. Now twelve days and ten different doctors’ visits later I’m told my radiation would be put off at least 30 days. Now the incision looks infected. Good thing my orthopedic surgeon thought ahead and gave me antibiotic in case my incision looked worse which it did today. I figured it would since I’m a nurse and assured that I would not follow a straight path. Must be something out there that I’m to do yet here at home before I begin the 150 mile round trip for daily radiation treatments! Then I start reading about the incredible journeys so many of you are making and I realize that this is just a short ride down on the rollercoaster and will soon be going back up. Love to you all.

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