“The Secret”

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  • #20077

    Patrice and Dave….. Great news. May all the positive energy keep flowing your way. Harness and channel it in all the directions you may need. I’m with you all the way!
    Jeff G.


    Good News!!!! Dave had a paracentesis last week as he had developed fairly significant ascites. They drained 3 liters of fluid and sent it for pathology and it was negative!!! We are so relieved.

    He will now be having a combined visit with an interventional radiologist and an ocologist at Mass General about the possibility of having SirSpheres to reduce the size of his largest tumor.

    Now…the point I want to pass along is a suggestion that everyone read “The Secret” It is about the Laws of Attraction and how you can create your reality by how you think.

    I have spent the past week concentrating every thought on Dave’s pathology being negative and his being eligible to have the Sirspheres. I never let a negative thought slip in. I made it a mantra ” we are one, we are healthy, we are joyous, and we are thankful that our love brings only good things from the universe”. Some may find this silly but after today’s results I am becoming a believer in the power of laws of attraction.

    I am sending out only positive thoughts to all of you as well.

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