The White House Moonshot Task Force – accellerating cancer research

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    The Blue Ribbon Panel presented its report to the National Cancer Advisory Board on September 7, 2016. NCI then transmitted the final revised version to the Vice President on October 17, 2016. The final report describes 10 transformative research recommendations for achieving the Cancer Moonshot’s ambitious goal of making a decade’s worth of progress in cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in just 5 years.

    Read more here and watch attached videos here:


    Today in the Oval Office, Vice President Joe Biden delivered the Cancer Moonshot report to the President and the American public.


    2016 Blue Ribbon Panel, 10 research recommendations.

    Just seen this today –

    A lot of stuff on twitter right now about the Jo Biden speech and no doubt a lot of news reports as well will follow his speech.

    Google has a few right now that are worth reading but we can’t link them here for copyright reasons. Go to google, search cancer moonshot, serach by latest news and you will see the latest links.

    #cancermoonshot is trending right now on twitter for those on twitter as well.

    Hugs to all,



    More on moonshot:

    The American Association of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) presented Vice President Biden with requests to expand access to clinical trials to patients with a low socio-economic status. This includes older adults, and ethnic and minority groups, which historically are underrepresented in clinical research studies. Many of these patients receive care through Medicaid, which unlike those covered by private insurance and/or Medicare are not eligible for routine cost associated with clinical trials. An unfair system at best and horrifying at worst. A life is a life, is a life, is a life, and all should be entitled to equal access to potentially life- saving interventions.

    ASCO request to further pragmatic clinical trials and not explanatory studies only..
    Explanatory trials, which measure efficacy and benefit under ideal conditions i.e. patients are younger, have optimal to near optimal healthcare status (think exclusion criteria), and is comprised of a homogenous population with outcome measures focused on how and why the intervention works.

    Pragmatic medical research studies focus on whether the intervention works in various patients with various cancers. A good example is ASCO’s Targeted Agent and Profiling Utilization Registry study, TAPUR, which is relying on community physician’s judgement to enroll patients with various cancers – but same molecular indication -for targeted drugs already approved for other indications. This is a real benefit to rare cancers such as ours in that we don’t need to wait for a molecular targeted clinical trial to open for enrollment. With our cancer, timing is of utmost importance.

    I hope that President Obama will make use of his Executive Power and issue an Executive Order to implement changes similar to that of the Clinton Administration, which ordered Medicare coverage for routine coverage of clinical trials.



    How does $700 Million match up with the 5 billion a year NCI budget?

    Exciting new drugs that “work” in clinical trials sometimes don’t do as well in the real world.

    Targeted therapy, the matching of tumor genetics to drugs that attack specific molecular targets is also running into trouble.

    Immunotherapy is not a slam dunk – we need to have realistic expectations.

    Read more: … -4-graphs/



    Vice President Joe Biden Discusses Cancer Moonshot Initiative During ASCO 2016 … post-biden

    You may watch the video with this link: … ?_k=6srxyk


    Vice President Biden’s speech at the Annual Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting:

    You may also enjoy a taped version of AARC’s conference:



    Thanks for that as well, much happening now with immunotherapy research, trials etc. This yesterday came out but is not cc related but just shows some progress and gains that are being made with immunotherapy and cancers.




    This is your time to be heard. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), has launched an online engagement platform to enable the research community and the public to submit cancer research ideas to a Blue Ribbon Panel of scientific experts. Community input is critical to the success of the National Cancer Moonshot Initiative. Members of the scientific community and general public are encouraged to submit ideas for advancing progress against cancer.

    New clinical trial designs are emerging with the recognition that a single cancer type may consist of many different molecular subtypes and that a given molecular alteration may drive many different types of cancer. At the same time, it is important that more patients have the opportunity to enroll in trials, to ensure that the results of trials are as broadly applicable as possible and that answers are obtained as quickly as possible. Please submit your ideas to:

    Other areas awaiting your input:
    Data Sharing
    Tumor Evolution & Progression
    Dissemination & Population Science
    Tumor Evolution & Progression

    and importantly:
    Other Exceptional Opportunities

    Note: Immunotherapy & Immunoprevention has not yet been activated



    Is developed by President Obama. This initiative is to accelerate progress towards prevention, treatment, and a cure — to double the rate of progress in the fight against cancer — and put ourselves on a path to achieve in just 5 years research and treatment gains that otherwise might take a decade or more.

    The White House Cancer Moonshot Task Force (Task Force) will focus on making the most of Federal investments, targeted incentives, private sector efforts from industry and philanthropy, patient engagement initiatives, and other mechanisms to support cancer research and enable progress in treatment and care. The Vice President shall serve as Chair of the Task Force.

    To learn more about this important initiative use this link:

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