Therasphere update

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    Dear Michael,

    I am sorry that you have had to face so much. I wish you all the best and hope you find a treatment plan that will make you feel better and stronger. I will pray for your pain to subside. Keep up the fight. We are all rooting for you!! Take care.

    Love, -Pam


    Michael…a roller coaster indeed – it is time for you to reach the top again.
    Know that a tidal wave of good wishes is heading your way. May the fluid continue to drain, the bacteria succumb to the antibiotics and the pain medication continues to keep you comfortable.
    Hugs and more hugs,


    Thank you all for the kind wishes. Still in hospital as they haven’t identified what bug is in there, possibly only a release of a small pocket into the blood that the white cells gobbled up as they should, leaving little to trace. Temp, heart rate and pain spiked again last night so another round of fluid cultures to wait for. Abdomen really distended but ultrasound says no fluid. SEVERE bouts of liver pain especially around the tube entry site – this stent is not going to get internalized. Three days with only drops of bile overflow into the bag but today filled the bag three times – must be back pressure from the distension. Have doubled the base pain med to 20mg OxyContin 3x day which has finally (crossed fingers) brought the pain back to heel. This is a roller coaster!


    Hi Walking,

    It is good to hear from you again. Sorry to hear that the Therasphere has not worked as hoped but do not give up hope, and I know that you won’t stop fighting either. I hope that the new stents start working as they should and that you can get the bilirubin down soon so that you can move onto the Gemzar treatment. Stay strong and know that we are all here for you, and please let us know how everything goes.

    Best wishes,



    walking….great to hear from you, but sorry to hear of the infection causing problems again.
    Wishing for a quick response to the antibiotics so that you can go on to your next mode of attack. Please, stay with us – we love hearing from our friends.
    All my best wishes,


    Dear Walking, the good news is there are other options. Hope to see your bilirubin down really quickly! But, it is good to see on here again. Thank you for the update and stay strong!


    Been offline for a long time. I’m sorry to say that the Therasphere has not prevented the disease from metastasizing to my abdomen. Having my second bout of enterobacter now in two months, they had to put an internal/external stent into the right bile duct after the tumor grew up above the steel stents and crushed the duct, then the infection came back. All in all not doing awful considering what would have happened by now if I hadn’t been diagnosed quickly. Now I need to get the bilirubin down to about 2 before they will start Gemzar.
    Thanks for all the support so far and keep up the good fight!

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