They are with us

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  • #65620

    Dear Liliana,

    Thanks for sharing that beautiful poem. I totally agree with you. I feel Jim all around me, guiding me every day, too. It helps to keep me strong.

    Take care.

    Love & Hugs,


    Thank you Lainy,

    I don’t know yet how I am doing, but I have Guy’s ashes with me at home and that is helping alot. We both believed in spirituality and that we are never wanished after our bodies have stopped functioning in material way.

    So, Guy is with me and me with him. I feel him everywhere, helping me to say and do what I have to say and do here. He is guiding me always.

    Thank you again,



    Dear Liliana, that is so beautiful, thank you. I hope you are doing ok in your “new normal”. It takes some time, hang in, be strong. Thanks for the lovely poem.


    God bless you people and your families

    For you all, for your loveones, departed in a better world – where is no pain and sorrow – I pray for you and I dedicate this famous poetry, writen by the romanian poet, Mihai Eminescu:

    To The Star

    Up to the star that’s just appeared
    The journey’s long, and so
    For thousand years its light careered
    To reach us here, below.

    It may have faded on its way
    Of old, in blue spheres bright
    Though only now its shining ray
    Unfolds to this our sight.

    The image of the star that died
    Comes slowly to the fore:
    It used to be when it would hide –
    We see what is no more.

    And likewise, while our yearning dove
    Died in the deepest night,
    The light of the extinguished love
    Still follows us in flight.

    And for my husband, Guy: I’ll be with you soon, my Love

    from Belgium and Romania

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