Things happening quickly

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    Sorry to hear this news. I hope Gary feels a bit better after having his lung drained. I remember Jeff telling me last November that he felt a lot better after having this procedure, so hopefully Gary will feel a bit better also.

    My best wishes to you both.



    My sister’s had spread to her lungs at the end…once the chemo had quit working. I don’t know why once it spreads they decide to quit treating. But that’s what they did with her. And it’s scary how fast this cancer spreads.


    Thanks, Marion,

    I’ll do a search when I have more time (fat chance!). Were other people’s lung fluid and/or lung lining cancerous? I am also wondering if being out of chemo options for the CC liver mets means there is also nothing that would help the lungs. I know I’m getting ahead of myself but am clutching for straws here.


    Elaine……I am so sorry to hear the news. Gary must feel much better now that the fluid has been removed. You may not remember but, Jeff and many others had to undergo these treatments in order to clear the lungs with good results. I am wishing for much relief and sending all my good vibes your way.


    I have no idea yet what the prognosis and/or treatment for this could be. The oncologists have had to back off until the lung issue was settled. Gary had run out of options for chemo – except for Taxol which was only a 5% chance, not worth the side effects. I’m hoping some others on the board can lend advice or answers. We are usually very optimistic and upbeat, but right now my gut tells this is very bad and to expect the worst. I am in shock and scared.


    I am so sorry Gary is experiencing this. What does possible spread to the lungs mean in relation to treatment? You must be so scared and worried. I hope they figure something out that helps Gary.



    I think the last time I posted ,Gary had been taken off the FOLFOX because his CT scan(June) showed a little more growth of the liver mets (one tumor). We were investigating SBRT, SIRT and RFA and battling with insurance for the SIRT. A visit to Duke revealed an additional liver mets (1.2 cm close to the other tumor), so that ruled out SBRT, but not SIRT. Duke also provided pain management that was working quite well. We no sooner moved to Naples FL, and Gary ended up in the ER with his right lung full of fluid. After being hospitalized and much going on the past 11 days including increased discomfort and anxiety, today he had a plueridisis (surgical draining if the lung and spraying with talc to seal the linigs together) and biopsy. The surgeon said there was evidence of abnormal lung tissue and he had to insert 2 drains instead of one (one of which which will probably stay for “quite some time). The fluid in the lung was bloody, so cancer is almost certain.

    I’ve read it here before, but never thought we’d be the ones saying, “How can this spread so fast?” Gary hasn’t really had any time of good health – abcesses, chemo, radiation, wound vac, bile leak, additional surgery, pain, nausea – since his Whipple almost 2 years ago. Reading other peoples’ post doesn’t hit home until you’re experiencing it yourself – it’s a horrible disease.
    Hanging in there and appreciating each day, Elaine and Gary

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