Thomas Chase

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Thomas Chase

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    Dear Michele-My heart goes out to you and yours. Your Tom was so lucky to have you there by his side. I hope your love will give you strength as surely he would want you to be taking care of yourself. Please stay in touch with us and accept our support for you in your loss.


    Michele – I am so saddened by your loss of Tom. You were the first person I connected with on this site. You and I have shared so much together about what our husbands were going through in the past year. I wish there was something I could do or say to help ease your pain and emptiness. Please know that I am here for you if you should need anything or just want to talk.


    Today marks one month since my sweet husband of 38 years died after 12 months of treatment for this disease. He was eulogized by all for his humor, generosity, kindness and devotion to his family and friends. I can barely believe he is gone and wonder how I will ever get through the rest of my life without him. The loss and emptiness is beyond belief, and I am grateful for the year we had but at the same time I wish so much he could have had more time to fight it. I would have been so happy to have taken care of him longer, he took care of me for 37 years and I had the priveledge of loving and taking care of him the last year of his life. He fought until the end to stay alive and though he did not fear death he feared leaving us. I hope you have peace my love, I wish I could be with you.

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