Time for a Different Treatment

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    Linda….I so much agree with you. This cancer can be chronic in nature and given the fact that your husband is rather strong and resiliant with a fantastic dispostion, no reason to believe that he will not respond favorably to any of the other treatments. Good luck on Monday and please keep us posted.


    Linda, who know a new treatment may be the bes answer. Attitude is not everything…it’s the ONLY thing! Best of luck.


    We just returned from the oncologist’s office. Although my husband’s recent CT scan did not show any change in his liver or lymph nodes, there has been an increase of fluid in his abdomen. Because of the fluid and some recent elevations in some of his liver enzymes, the doctor suspects some progression and recommends a change in treatment. My husband started FOLFIRINOX last November but several months ago the doctor dropped the oxaliplatin and reduced the dosage of the other drugs to reduce side effects. The doctor said that there are still standard treatment options available as well as clinical trials to consider in the future. He said that my husband’s stamina and overall good health (not to mention his positive attitude) are factors in his favor. My husband will have an ultrasound tomorrow and then we will meet with the doctor on Monday.
    While this is not good news, the most important thing I have learned from this site is that one has to think of CC as a chronic disease. When one treatment no longer works, you have to be ready to move on to something else. We are very fortunate to be working with a doctor who also has this philosophy.

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