Tips for keeping liver function up during chemo?

Discussion Board Forums Chemotherapy & More Tips for keeping liver function up during chemo?

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  • #89116

    Hi Christine,

    Have you tried using the search forum function at the top of the page? That will throw up any discussions on this or any other issue by the members here on the site. I can’t share any personal experiences on this as my dad never had chemo of any type but am hoping for others to share their experiences with you on this.

    My best wishes to you,



    I am part of the liver pump trial at MSKCC where I get FDUR directly in the pump once a month and then Gem/Oxi every two weeks. I have only had one cycle of each and was due for the next round of FDUR this week and found out my liver function was already too low! They just gave me the Gem and told me to take Ursodiol to get my numbers back up.

    Anyone have tips on anything else I can do? Foods to eat or not eat, etc?


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