Tired and disapointed

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    I am very familiar with not wanting to slow down, despite my body telling me I am tired. Remember that just because you are resting doesn’t mean you aren’t doing anything……your body is in battle mode! Being fatigued is it’s way of rejuvenating for continued battle! Praying for great results, a returned phone call and little chemo side effects!


    Hi Brigitte,

    Huge GRRRRRRR to all of this! Have they called you back today yet? I certainly hope so! Sorry to hear as well that you are not feeling good and add on all of the extra stress from not getting your phone consult, not at all what you need right now. Hoping that you get your phone call and also that you start to feel better very very soon as well!

    Hugs for you,




    I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling under the weather. Hope to read soon that the TACE did it’s job!




    You have every right to your feelings with all you have been through, so feel free to let it all out here as we all understand and truly do care. Let us be your strength. Hope all goes well on Tuesday. Take care.



    Thanks Mary,

    I must admit I have not felt this physically worn out in a long time. Sure hopes it works. I did read about the symptoms yesterday so not worried. I am not very good at slowing down so I am a bit frustrated but my body is telling me to chill. I have chemo on Tuesday . It has been 2 1/2 years since this CC started and so far it is being controlled and staying in one place so can’t complain. The Gemzar by weekly chemo treatment is not bad, could be worse. I just get a bit weary sometimes.


    Hi Brigitte,

    How disappointing you did not get the scheduled call! Hopefully, your care provider will catch up on Monday. Maybe things are still a bit disorganized due to the disruptions from the hurricane.

    From what I have read about TACE on this board and elsewhere, fatigue is pretty normal after the procedure.

    Sending you best wishes that the TACE does its job and that your recovery is quick and uneventful.

    Regards, Mary


    I was scheduled for a telephone check up on Friday because of the TACE procedure done a week ago. No phone call so e-mailed MD Anderson telling I was fine except for extreme fatigue. Will see if I get a call next week. This is the 2nd time they don’t call. Starting to feel like a step child!/ In the meantime I am very tired and hope it is normal because of the treatment which was strong chemo drug directly into the tumor.

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