Discussion Board Forums General Discussion TO MY DEAR FRIENDS

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  • #22628

    Well, I have finished my letter and I am bawling my eyes out, the pain is unbearable and permeates everything. I don’t know that these letters will work but I know these stories should be told.



    I can receive an e mail from any place in the world! Just click under my name
    where it says email. Pleased to have your letter.


    Hya Lainy Not sure if you are able to include anything from the U.K.
    However, as a mom I can only describe cc. as roaring in like a volcano, erupting and them roaring back out as quickly as it arrived.
    As the main carer for Alan I now realise the shock came down and enveloped me even until today. It came as a veil of protection, enabling me to do whatever had to be done in a certain timescale.
    There was no time for any manoeuvrs of any kind. Alan contacted the Mayo but was informed it was not possible for anything to be done.

    Alan had not drank alcohol, nor smoked anything at all. He was slim, healthy and extremly active. No worries, no stress in his own words he was happy and enjoying his life. CC. was certainly a silent killer for Alan, diagnosed on the 1st March 2006 and passed away 30th April 2006. love and light teresa


    Yes, we do have September 15th. I guess to me that is this weekend! Sometimes I don’t know what day it is. Honestly I don’t think it is up to us to give Oprah suggestions. I would be happy to just have us on for 15 minutes on any show! I would suppose her staff is very qualified and might not like the suggestion route. But certainly bring up Walter Peyton, especially being from Chicago!!!!! :):):) Like I said I am keeping a copy of the letters and we will persevere until someone takes notice. I am VERY tenacious!



    I thought the deadline was Sept. 15th and now I am feeling the pressure to come up with something that will get noticed! I am not sure what approach to take, I started writing about orphan diseases and am trying to give her an idea for a show–maybe Dr. Oz focusing on orphan cancers or a show about how strangers are helping strangers here on our little discussion board. I am definitely mentioning Walter Payton.

    On another note, I looked at Oprah’s website and she is looking to do a Dr. Oz show on someone who has just received a serious diagnosis. The focus of the show is how to cope with a serious medical diagnosis and help learn what it takes to be a “smart patient,” see:

    I don’t think I could have participated in such a show when my Mom was sick, it was all I could do to keep it together but someone else may be interested.



    I received a sad, but most beautiful letter this morning from one of our member caretakers to include in the letters for the Oprah Show. I now have a different outlook on these letters. Why would I or anyone wait to send these in???? Loose more time resulting in lost loved ones? What ever letters Sophie and I have will be sent in next week! I am going to prevail on Stacie/Board Members to write us a cover letter so that the Board can get in what ever they deem necessary to say about our plight. So, please, if you have not sent your letter, please send it over this weekend. Remember 1 page and Caretakers send to me and Patients send to Sophie. We have no time to sit back and wait for others.

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