Today is my six-year anniversary

Discussion Board Forums Good News / What’s Working Today is my six-year anniversary

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  • #35440


    Wonderful, wonderful! I’m so happy for you.

    My husband Tom experienced a reoccurance about 20 months after his resection for CC. I’m going to tell him of your experience. He too was told that it ‘incurable’ and ‘inoperable’ and that he should go home and make his arrangements. His oncologist gave us no hope whatsoever and told us that radiation and chemo where not an option.

    We were not happy with that answer and immediately sought 2nd and 3rd opinoins. Tom’s tumor reoccurance is inoperable because of the placement and because it involves the hepatic artery. But for an oncologist to say that Radiation and Chemo is not an option was unbelievable.

    Our 2nd and 3rd opinoins agreed that it was inoperable, but disagreed with the no chemo and no radiation!

    After 28 rounds of Chemo Tom’s tumor has shrunk! His new oncologist agrees that she cannot ‘cure’ him but she feels that she can put him into remission and by remission she means shrinking the tumor with radiation and chemo so that the tumor is gone. Then it’s a regime of CTScans, etc watching for other reoccurances and treating them agressively like she is doing with this one. Tom currently cannot take chemo until they are able to stent his liver.

    I’m so happy for you and your story will be an inspiration to Tom to keep fighting and may be the motivation that he needs. I want another 23 months and then 6 years for Tom and then we’ll start over with another 23 months and 6 years!!!

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.



    Happy anniversary!!


    Outstanding!! I love seeing people beat the odds the doctor’s give them.




    Congratulations! Thanks for sharing. Indeed a reason to celebrate and hopefully for many more years to come.



    Hi Kristen,

    Thank you for sharing this and what an inspiration you are! That sure is some journey you have been on and I hope you will celebrate today and have a great day!

    Here’s to the next 6 years and my very best wishes to you,




    You gave me goosebumps and tears! What an inspiration. What hope. I just read your post to Hans and we are both teary and smiling. FANTASTIC.

    LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL and we are all blessed by knowing each other.

    Here is to another 6 years…and 6 years after that…..and 6 years after that….



    Dearest Kristin HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and what a message of HOPE for us all. Celebrate, celebrate! :):):)


    Six years ago today I had my first surgery and they diagnosed me for sure– I’d been sick for half a year before that, but they couldn’t figure it out. And I am so grateful and humbled at still being here. It’s been a heck of a journey, emotionally and spiritually, but I’ve had the help of so many kind people along the way– including everyone on these boards. My deepest thanks to all of you.

    When I had my recurrence 3 years ago and found out I was “incurable” I was just devastated. I had no idea how beautiful the next part of my life would turn out to be. I guess that’s the biggest thing I’ve learned. We just never, never know what the future holds.

    I promise to quit being so philosophical tomorrow!

    Thank-you hugs to everyone,


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