TRACE Consultation

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion TRACE Consultation

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    Shellie…..agree with the others. Infections related to stents or disease progression rate high on the list of possibilities, but what are the alternatives with fighting this disease? There is a risk of failure to respond, risk of side effects, risk of doing nothing at all. Somehow we have to make a choice based on the information provided and hope for it to be the right one.
    Hugs to you,


    Thank you Debbie I truly appreciate any information and help I can get!



    I know that this is all so overwhelming and difficult. My husband’s situation was different, but he also had several external tubes to drain from the wound site and it was also imperative that we prevent infection. We used alcohol wipes around where the drains entered his body and also when changing the drainage bulb. I also wiped anything he would come into contact with (telephone, tv remote etc.) with Clorox wipes frequently, and had our kids wash hands well before approaching him. Another thing you can do is to monitor temperature daily so that, should an infection start to develop, you can catch it early and get treatment (Tylenol, antibiotics, etc) to him right away.

    I’m sorry you are going throuGh this and hope my suggestions help a bit.



    Dear Shellie, I have been on this Board from day 1 and have heard that statement before. That infection takes more lives than the CC itself and some one please correct this old timer if I am wrong. I take correction well.
    The only thing I can suggest is more opinions. Something does not sound right to me. Everyone please help here as we really need some input quickly! Shellie sending you hugs and all the best. BTW when one is getting “strange” answers from any DOC I tend to listen to my gut. It always steers me right!


    We went on Friday for a consultation for my fiance. They informed us that with Dale has tubes in his side going straight to his liver to keep his bile ducts opened and pretty much keeping him alive… They said that his chance for infection is 10 times greater than a person without these tubes that most people do not die from this cancer but from infection. WOW that makes me feel better! Has anyone out there have tubes and has had this treatment just wondering how it worked for them. Knowing not everyone is the same just looking for feedback. You know I feel like every time something knew is offered what comes with it be side effects or whatever are horrible :( CAN WE JUST GET A CURE??? Or a treatment that works so frustrating we are talking lives here people….

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