Treatment at MD Anderson Orlando

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    Prayers and best wishes are sent your way, for sure. Make sure your mom knows there are people all over the world pulling for her.


    Hello Debbie…welcome to our site and congratulations on being a two year cancer survivor. Your expression of concern regarding the Therasphere treatment considered is well founded and I agree, one would not want to be the first patient to undergo this procedure.
    My first thought would be to inquire with the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville and in Tampa, the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer. It is very likely for both facilities to be treating a fair amount of patients with liver disease. I also agree with Lainy in that you might want to consider obtaining one or two additional expert


    Debbie, welcome to our wonderful family with the most courageous and caring people from the world over. First of all CONGRATULATIONS on your being a Cancer Survivor. Great news on that score. Sorry about your Mom but I think a 2nd opinion is in order. Not sure I would want to be a guinea pig either. We have a Hospital Category on the Home page and if you take a look through the list you may find somewhere else in Florida. Also at the top of the page is a search engine and just type in the words Hospitals Florida and see what posts pop up. I also know you will be getting some more answers here, so hang in and be strong. Listen to your gut, it is usually right! You want to be where CC is not a rarity for treatment but rather a place more experienced. Please keep us posted.


    My mother is 67 years old and was diagnosed with CC in June 2011. Her tumor is 11cm, takes up the whole left lobe and crosses over into the right. Also two small lesions on the right lobe that Dr said is most likely cancer. We were told that surgery would only be an option if the tumor would shrink. Mom is currently receiving chemo (cisplatin/gemzar) at MD Orlando. After her first two rounds of chemo there was no change,shrinkage or growth, on the PET scan. Her C19-9 had been 2117 before chemo, jumped to 2927 after 1st round (Dr said that was a good sign), and has dropped to 1087 on 9/12, 416 on 9/23, 426 on 10/14. Since the tumor has not shrunk, Therasphere treatment has been mentioned as the next step, but the Orlando facility has never performed the treatment. The facility opened in 1991. My mother would be one of the first for them ~ not sure that I’m for her being the guinea pig. I am currently having mixed thoughts about having Theraspheres done there ~ many places have been performing the SIRT and Theraspheres for some time. We live in Florida, so I’m wondering where anyone has had the SIRT or Theraspheres done in this state.
    My prayers are with eveyone affected by this horrible disease.

    – Debbie (2 year ovarian cancer survivor)

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